AngryBlackBitch has officially reached 200,000 visits.

Thank you to all 25 of you who visit this bitch multiple times a day (wink)!
Seriously though, being visited 200,000 times in 1 year and 4 months is kind of cool…not world peace cool, but interesting cool.
When Brother Rob Thurman gave this bitch a blog for my birthday back in the day no one could have told me more than 10 people would want to read my shit. To have 20 freakishly loyal multi-hit creating readers is a blast (wink).
Unique hits be damned…
We love you too, ABB. But boy, is my finger tired from refreshing this page! ;)
I enjoy my daily dose of "bitchitude" from you.
Here's to 1,000,000!
I check your blog everyday for a hit of truth and a whole lot of wit.
Your point of view is refreshing - it's nice to read someone who isn't afraid to tell it like it is. Keep up the good work!
pardon my manners... i meant to also give you mad props for the 200K hits.. i'm languishing around 1,400 in more time than you, so i can fully appreciate the gravity of the situation.
just in case you were wondering, i try to limit myself to 10 visits per day so as to not artificially inflate your numbers. i'm thinkin a few more than 25 of us are dropping by on a regular basis.
you should be damn proud shark-fu! enjoy a couple vodka crans tonite at your favorite watering hole and send me the bill, k? :p
Your posts restore my hope in people. The fact that you are well-read restores my hope in people. Peace.
Congratulations. And what's not to love? You're so right on, and you've got a mighty fine blogroll, too.
Congratulations! I am in awe of you as it is and to know you've reach the 200K mark leaves me in awe even more!
You should not be thanking us, we should be thanking you for sharing with us.
Thank you ABB!
It's always a pleasure to enjoy such informed, stylish writing. You're a genuine pleasure and deserve to be well-known.
Congratulations :)
I check in everyday or at least every other day.. I always think, "ooh, I need my dose of bitchitude" and check your website.
You rock. We agree on a whole lot of things. I think it's way cool that a pampered middle class white-ass girl from South Dakota can find so much common with an afro-wearing (spritually, that is) straight-shootin', rootin' tootin' bitch living in St. Louis
I've even started saying, "lawd", "anyhoo", and referring to myself in the third person. I usually go for the "white-ass" moniker myself.
I love reading your posts, so often you have the cajones to say what I wish I had the guts to say.
(formerly Romani Heart)
I found your blog through another site. Whatever you do, do NOT moderate your bitchitude for anybody!
Congratulations on the milestone!!
Congrats on all that web traffic. Now if we can just make sure they are voting...
Ooh, I tip my hat to you, the queen of the known universe. In a year and four months you've gotten to a place I'm not even halfway toward reaching. You rock!
I don't post often, but I do read on a regular basis--go you! (Now I've got the song September stuck in my head.)
Glad to have contributed to the cause. I am responsible for at least 100,000 of those reads.
Congradulations! It's a testament to how good your blog is.
Glass of champagne? *clink*
Ohhh, I visit at least 26 times a day.
Congrats ABB! Another regular reader checking in here! You are a breath of fresh air and get more hilarious every day!
Like I said before yours is the only blog I check everyday. Keep up the good work and happy Gay "Et Al." Pride to everyone.
Kudos to you on reaching a milestone! And thanks for the heads up on so many other matters.
I really enjoy reading your blog!
On your way to a million!
I try to get over here at least once a day, I love your blog.
Keep up the good work, dailyKos (which I also read) better keep an eye on the rear-view mirror!
Yo ABB congrats on your 200,000 hit. Keep telling the truth baby this blogger from DC can feel where your comming from. Kudos catch later. Mark
We certainly may not see eye to eye on some things but I love to peep the site often on my blog rotation.
Keep em coming. Peace
Well this is my first visit, but you seem like a "cool bitch," and you ain't some jive turkey. Like the way you lay your shit on the line!
best site
And to think I was impressed when I hit 10,000! Congrats, ABB. Your blog is one which I ALWAYS look forward to seeing updated. Here's to another 200k and beyond!
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