A certain Rush Limbaugh of the Oxycontin hording and alleged illegal prescription obtaining Limbaughs ummm…well…got caught on his way back into the United States of America…ummm…well, shit…hording Viagra.

ABB’s first reaction…
Lawd have mercy, that's all we need is Limbaugh strutting around with a 4 hour erection!!
ABB’s second reaction…
Ewww…gag…double gag…NASTY! Shit. A bitch could have lived two lives without ever being exposed to that mental image. Ugh.

ABB’s reaction to her second reaction…
Oh fuck! Is he still dating Daryn Kagan? Ugh…damn…that’s even nastier. Jesus, Daryn.
That’s just not right.
Not right.
ABB’s third reaction, totally unrelated to her second reaction to this shit…
The prescription is in his doctor's name to protect Limbaugh's privacy.
Excellent spin!
Bullshit, but very nice bullshit. That Roy Black is so worth the money, honey.
ABB’s final reaction…
Viagra? What a selfish fucker! Everyone knows that Cialis gives you enough time to wait until the right time.
Oh my Gawd.
I See that Mr. Carl Nyberg crossposts to your blog, and there is something that I thought your readers should be concerned about
I am not usually one to cause trouble, but I was perusing through your page (I am usually a Lurker) and I noticed that Carl Nyberg recently linked to your site, and there was a post on his personal blog that greatly troubles me
We all know that Mr. Nyberg is no wallflower.
He has recently posted racist tripe on his http://provisoprobe.blogspot.com/
website, apperantly an angry racist poster posted a tract from the website of the Ku Klux Klan and Mr. Nyberg decided to cut and paste it on his
Now, I under the notion of academic debate and I strongly support it. However the White Supremicist tracts of the KKK Belong nowhere on a "Progressive" Website no matter what the purpose,
I invite others to please check out this garbage and to join me and others in commenting on this issue
Thank You Very Much For your Time
Wait, doesn't that imply that he's having out-of-wedlock sex? Shock horror!
There's a good post over at feministe.us/blog (http://tinyurl.com/eazx7) that starts with:
So Rush Limbaugh was caught at the Palm Beach airport on the way back from the Dominican Republic with Viagra in his suitcase, for which he did not have a prescription (it was made out by his doctor to another doctor, probably to hide the fact that he’s using it). And while it’s fun to snicker about this little development, here’s something that should give us all pause. From commenter amyc at Tbogg’s place:
The Dominican Republic apparently has a booming sex trade (or rape trade, if you’re like me and don’t believe 13-yr-old girls really consent to be whores for rich tourists). As nightmare-inducing as the answers might be, I think The American People need to ask why an unmarried Christian man would take a suitcase full of dick drugs on a Third-World sex tour. (Although perhaps we shouldn’t rule out missionary work.)
Thanks. Thanks for bringing this nasty shit and all the assorted mental imagery to our attention. You totally need to add a warning at the head of that post, "May not be suitable for all readers. Do not read if you have a weak stomach." TMI is an understatement. (wink)
Yeah, that's an image I could have gone without for the rest of my life, too. If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go soak my brain in acid now...
It does not help to know that he was traveling in the Dominican Republic, which has been a major destination for "sex tourism" and human trafficking.
Damn those folks at Feministe are on it!
Thanks for posting the address to that.
Do we really want to be exposed to news about Rush Limbaugh's sex life the way we had to be exposed to news about Bill Clinton's sex life (like a description of his genitals etc.)
It's even worse when your Viagra-filled mind meets the picture on the "Tuesday..." post.
the above-referenced site in a handy-dandy link
Well, this is either really scarry or really funny. Yikes the thought of someone going on a sex vacation to take advantage of young girls leaves me speechless! Rush has so many skeletons in his closet. He really should just shut up but of course he won't. This new discovery will lead him to pontificate even more. He'll spread more of his hate and stupidity. People will get hung up on the Viagra and forget about the fact that the Dominican Republic is selling its children to men like Rush.
How long before he becomes the Viagra spokesman?
The thing that gets me about this whole episode is how can this not be a violation of his plea agreement. Everyone is trying to make light of the fact that it was Viagra, but the fact of the matter is he was in trouble before for the illegal possession of perscription drugs. Once again he is in illegal possession of a perscription drugs.
I'm disappointed your not up to date on racist Rush's latest IOKYAR antics.
A quick summary:
Not been dating Kagan for a while, see what she has to say.
Supposedly, now dating Mary Lynn Rajskub, who is on the Fox TV show "24".
From Roll Call (behind a supbscription) via Atrios:
The conservative radio talk show host hinted on his show Tuesday that he went on a boys-only trip with the cast of "24."
Even a bitch has limits (wink). Thanks for the update...
For a while there has been some local (St. Louis/ Eastern MO) rumors about Rush engaging in gay sex when a college student in MO. One OTHER thought I had was, maybe he's going to DR to get the kind of sex he can't get in the US for fear of being outed? Meth user (meth apparently causes limp dick, so meth/viagra combo is common).
Viagra and Oxycontin look virtually identical. You don't suppose.....
The man's stupidity takes my breath away.
ABB, have you seen this?
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