Update...the man suspected in the attacks that took place at Puzzles Lounge in New Bedford, Mass. has died.
Robida was shot during a gun battle with police in Arkansas and he later died at a Missouri hospital. It is believed that Robida shot and killed a police officer and a female passenger in his car.
The coverage…
Given the nature of this attack, the fact that the suspect was at large and armed and the fact that the attack at Puzzles Lounge was clearly a hate crime a bitch finds the coverage by most media outlets completely inadequate. Had the victims been straight white women and the attack been in Aruba this story would have been covered wall to wall.
Better yet…three married straight blond white women from Alabama attacked with a hatchet in Aruba and their husbands flee to England…would that do it….would that grab your fucking attention!?!
Sorry assed motherfuckers.
The unexplored shit within this poorly covered story…
A bitch noticed that a couple of initial news reports stated that Puzzles Lounge had been victimized with graffiti before. Neighbors report that the suspect was a known racist and had decorated his room with swastikas. Reports also stated that ‘low level’ harassment had been reported by patrons in the past. Taking into account that this most recent incident involved a FUCKING HATCHET AND A GUN…a bitch hesitates to ask what ‘low level’ harassment looks like in New Bedford.
Anyhoo, looks like y’all have some multi-level shit to deal with. Don’t blow this opportunity to address shit just because the crazy motherfucker who went off the deep end at Puzzles Lounge was killed and saved the state some money.
A bitch is sending prayers for healing, unity and growth to the New Bedford community…
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Okay, so most of you know that this bitch has some evil assed fibroids . Most of them were successfully murdered with full premeditation se...
This guy's MySpace page is more fucked up than a soup sandwich and so are the friends of his who have left comments.
i'm so glad that you posted an update since i've heard nothing anywhere else.
Friends of his were interviewed - heard this on a MA radio station - and said that the kid had a swastika tattoo on his hand but "otherwise seemed nice" and that his bedroom was covered with anti-semitic posters and grafitti ... and no one in New Bedford was worried about this kid?
He had a swastika tattoo but seemed nice? WTF?
How much crack were his friends smoking? 'Cause I think they need to cut back a little.
A Princess can completely relate to a Bitch. This crime has all the dynamics of a hate crime written all over it. Of course, you know that means it will be swept under the rug. It will go away in the press. It will probably even go away in the D.A.'s office once it reaches that moment.
I am tired of the "all about me" world we live in, with all our cookie cutter images of little George Bush's running around everywhere.
A Princess who is Jewish relates to an Angry Black Bitch on many levels because hate crimes seem to fall upon the shoulders of Blacks and Jews in disproportionate amounts compared to the rest of the nationalities.
The media would have us believe we were all at odds with one another. If a Natalee Holloway was a black woman, I suspect you would be correct. It would make page 6 of some obscure newspaper. It pains me physically to admit that because I like to think we have evolved over the past 500 years. In some ways, we have. In others, we have yet to turn the corner.
But, a JAP respects an ABB for having the balls to lay it out on the table in painful shades of black and white and allowing it to bleed all over the page.
Got here a few weeks ago from Cranky's page. Big fan of yours.
Please do me the honor of stopping by sometime.
I also went to his MySpace page...He is nuttier than squirrel shit...
I'm glad he's dead....
Jenna, tell the truth and shame the devil.
Yes Sangroncito, Aruba is still a story up here- Nancy Grace (oohhh my favorite! voice dripping w/ sarcasm) just had her mother on the other day, I guess the Aruban Police came to question her classmates again. Funny how white blond victims seem to be the poster children for crime, but when an equally beautiful brown, yellow or black child is the victim (or in the New Bedford case, a member of the LGBT community) then it is NOT newsworthy.... Thanks again ABB for giving us the news most wont!
Did this guy die during a 'gun battle' or was he tracked down by police and murdered with excessive force?
I didn't really catch the story but always get a little freaked out when cops 'shoot to kill' so to speak...
Of course, provocation is different. Not saying that criminals don't deserve the same right to justice as the rest of us. Even if they are haters. I'm pretty sure this guy didn't have too much common sense or ability to think freely though. I mean, anyone who subscribes to notions that Naziism is a 'good lifestyle choice' clearly has no respect for free thought or personal development.(You know...like George Bush.) He was clearly a confused young man.
I hope that excessive force wasn't the cause of death here...not that death in a 'gun battle' brings me peace.
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