A certain Jeremy from Montreal is sending this bitch chocolate blessings that should arrive just in time for a bitch to drown my ass is Smartie goodness on Valentine's Day (The Day of Extreme Bitchitude)!
Ooooh...but That Guy, being ahead of the curve always, has thrown down a potential challenge to all things Smartie related.

Oh my! Chocolate goodness from Prague!
Clearly, a bitch is going to have to conduct SEVERAL taste tests to compare my beloved Smarties to...umm...Lentilkies...and do not ask a bitch how to pronounce that.
Ahhhh...if only diplomacy utilized inter-chocolate-exchanges...
Hugs to you both!
Well your box is on its way... You might just have chocolate heart failure when it gets there.
he he he
have you tried the peanut butter hersey kisses yet? omg, are they good!!!
chocolate could well be the answer to all the world's problems.
I think the Lentilkys win, if only because the lids apear to flip up to make a little critter on the end of the tube.
If you have any Peruvian readers, maybe they'll send you some Sublimes.
Woman! Did you see Katie couric get doo-dooed on today on the Today show in Italy? Some birds crapped on her and attacked her!
Look at dlisted.blogspot.com if you can't find pics somewhere else.
I found a very special special at the dented can grocery a few weeks ago.
'Chcowit' dark chocolate from Belgium. At 10 for a dollar, it was worth a try (at least to see if it was better than the sappy name lead me to believe) & then a drive back to buy $10 worth.
If you find 'em, try 'em. If you don't find 'em, let me know & I'll send some your way.
Lulu.andsemour at gmail dot com
Send me your address and I'll send you some Smarties from Germany to add to your International Smarties Taste Test. I'm even willing to drive 30 minutes to France to pick up some for you, too.
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