A bitch's sister has scored this bitch a signed Anderson Cooper picture.
Sadly, Anderson didn't sign it to AngryBlackBitch with the side note "I Adore Your Blog" as requested. In fact, a bitch hasn't completed a handwriting analysis to confirm that Mr. Cooper actually signed the thing...but a bitch prefers to think the best of people and their signing of things containing their image (wink).
Anyhoo...Anderson will be accompanying this bitch all over town for my birthday. Framed, of course. He'll sit right next to my vodka cran and cigs!
Then, should his picture survive the festivities, Anderson Cooper will grace my desk...gazing upon this bitch as my crazy ass practices the fine art of bitchitude daily.
Up next...Christiane Amanpour and Howie Kurtz!
Ooo! Darlin' I am so jealous! I loves me some Anderson Cooper. I have my butt awake at 4am so I can see AC 360.
Anderson Cooper....oh, my!
Yep...he's my new best friend.
My goal is to get pictures with the framed Anderson and vodka crans at every bar in town!
Shit...that means this bitch will have to order a vodka cran at every bar in town.
AC is coming to Columbia March 6th - free and open to the public. The boys and I plan to have dinner and drinks, and then stalk the spawn of Ms. Gloria Vanderbilt. A good time will be had by all. Especially if there is an ABB sighting!
No shit! Anderson Cooper in Columbia?!? Fan-fucking-tabulous!
Where and at what time, honey?
This bitch will drive down and personally hand Mr. Cooper an autographed bitch apron c/o The AngryBlackBitch Store...oh, and a bitch mug for him to carry home to Howie Kurtz (wink).
You know he wants one...
I'll buy a Katrina Relief t-shirt from the ABB store and have everyone who parties with the picture of Anderson at the b-day extravaganza sign it. We'll send him an autographed fundraiser shirt from the crew. I think he'll like it because Katrina is his mission.
I'm glad you like your definitely-done-by-Anderson signed picture. A big shout out of thanks to my media hook ups Tracy and Mandy for helping me fulfill a bitch's wish.
Here's the scoop:
March 6th at 7:30 (doors open at 6:30) on the Columbia College campus. Free and open to the public. We Columbia boys will have to throw down with the STL boys if they try to take all the good seats!
Optional vodka/cran post-party.
i am so jealous. he's such a cutie and so good at what he does.
Oh-My-Fcuking-God. Do you know how envious this makes me of you?!
I am a big fan of your blog. I read it on a daily basis.
I think this might interest you. If you do plan on going to see Cooper in Columbia, you should ask him to record himself as your voicemail message on your cell. When he came and visited my school, my friend asked him and he did it.
I'm having a little trouble reading the writing on the picture. Does it say "I'm a big closet case" or "I'm a big fan of Angry Black Bitch"?
WTG ABB! Anderson is adorable (even if he was so over the top drama-queeny during those hurricanes, especially when -- gawd forbid -- a PLASTIC SIGN got blown down!!)
Meanwhile, I'll just hafta hold onto tight to my book signed in person by Angela Davis. jealous much? :-)
who loves ya baby? your friend at
Shit, a bitch even went to the same University as Angela Davis and my ass doesn't have an autographed anything!
But this bitch did get my 'militant on' in a certain campus library of past student take over fame...
Ahh...those were the days...
You are blessed! Just passing through...
I want YOUR autographed pic on my desk! You make me laugh every day. Thank you. My little daydream is for us to be BFF and smoke (even though I quit four years ago) and drink vodka & cran together.
It could happen...
Do I risk the wrath of god by asking who he is? However, I can see myself wanting to get to know him better.
wow! you're so lucky!!!!!!
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