The Democratic Republic of Georgia and Russia are still at odds…our economy is in the toilet…there are all kinds of election related things going on…we’re setting up some sort of nuclear bomb facility in Poland…

…and has a live feed of the Big Foot carcass press conference?

…and has a live feed of the Big Foot carcass press conference?
Fuck it.
Soylent Green is Sasquatch!
Soylent Green is Sasquatch!
ha! I'm so done with CNN. I was in the dentist office waiting room and I saw the commercial they were running for McCain and Obama REVEALED!!! It looked like a spot for an E! True Hollywood Story.
It's very strange indeed and has been going on for years. Man I miss the older and real broadcast journalists such as Walter Cronkite, and until a few years ago, Aaron Brown, who was given a pink slip on a day's notice - probably for being too on point, particularly with global warming issues that had not been accepted at the time.
I think the public has been cowed into fear of complaining and/or so brainwashed that fluff news and celebrity gossip is accepted with a shrug.
I find that I get very few or no comments when I write political commentaries of substance, but people leave plenty of them when I write about matters of the heart.
I don't know if people realize that the two are related and intertwined: the more crap that's gotten away with in the world, the more likely it'll hit home one day - and some of it already has - there won't be any time for personal issues that totally consumes us.
"CNN - the best legendary beast team on TV!"
Sick of CNN AND other corporate media tv programs. I'm down McNeil-Lehrer, Keith Olberman and Jon Stewart. Stewart is fake. CNN and the others are contrived.
I'm feeling Cronkite big time.
Don't hold your breath on seeing anything new. It would be interesting, but I have my doubts about this one.
Bossy can't get with the news organizations, so she has to create her own news tutorials, for instance the following on why Georgia and Russia are like the Zaks in the Prairie of Prax:
I have really big feet. Can I get on the Corporate Nuzzling Network too?
Soylent green?! Got some? I'll have an order to go. Hey wait a minute, that maitre d looks an awful lot like Charlton Heston. . . . awww what hell, I love this stuff!
I think its foul, cause neither obama nor mccain has a real historical or geopolitical grasp on whats up with Georgia & russia
I like to watch FSTV for news, i dont do CNN any more.
I actually found something on the CNN site that made me smile.
When Obama said Sam Nunn was one of the wise people whose counsel he sought, along with his 87 year old grandmother, unless I've lost my ear for politics, I'm pretty sure I just saw Obama patting Nunn on the head and scooting him out the door.
Bigfoot press conference? Conflict in Georgia?
I thought the only thing going on right now was Tropical Storm Fay!
Must be a Florida thang :)
PS - I am going to get rained on. The wind will blow. I hope I do not lose my boat t-top canvas!!!
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