Monday, August 25, 2008

Whatcha, whatcha, whatcha want…

A bitch spent the weekend observing the variety of reactions to Senator Obama’s announcement that Senator Biden…Joey B. to this bitch…is his V. P. pick.

V.P. announcement reactions should have been included as an Olympic sport.


For real, the competition for the top reaction quote was fierce as a motherfucker!

Anyhoo, this bitch thinks the choice makes sense.

Joey B.’s foreign policy street cred is beyond dispute. The dude has a foreign policy resume worthy of respect and he’s up to speed on all the emerging international clusterfucks developing even as I type. Since polls, pundits and undecideds have been screaming for a Veep selection that will sooth any anxiety about Senator Obama’s foreign policy experience Joey B. is the scrappy kid from Scranton (Lawd, give me strength) to get that job done.




Anyhoo, there was also the issue of exit polls in certain states indicating that race was a big fucking deal to people who didn’t vote for Obama during the primary. Let’s just say that nothing puts some folks at ease like a scrappy scrappified and full of scrap Delaware politician...from Scranton (wink).

And, like many race matters voters, Joey B.’s had his fair share of verbal malfunctions to assist in that ticket-voter bonding process. Shit, he jumped out of the primary gate with one gem about cleanliness (merciful heaven, that was fast). So race matters voters should be able to identify with Biden and he’ll be working hard to make sure that happens.

Finally, Joey B. is nothing if he’s not a bad ass who will call bullshit bullshit. By selecting Joey B., Obama is now free to run above it all and let his #2 get his tussle on where needed.

Even though this bitch was leaning toward Governor Sibelius, I can't say that this choice doesn't make sense.

And a bitch has to admit, after watching heads spin all weekend long, that this move took some political courage…


Anonymous said...

I totally agree. Although the "clean and articulate" debacle will forever tarnish his image, I think he's a smart choice, and I can't wait to see him spout some of his cut-to-the-chase ballsy-ness when he debates whomever the other VP candidate will be. Can you imagine him going after Romney or Lieberman?

Also, I read that his net worth is $150,000. While that's much more than my own net worth, and still makes him very well-off, at least dude doesn't have more homes than he can count.

I went to Springfield and I really enjoyed listening him speak, too.

Jimmy said...

I agree, but I think Obama must be carefeul not to run too far above it all. Kerry made that mistake and it made him look effete and lacking of sufficient backbone, which heartland voters expect in a leader.

The Lazy Iguana said...

I tend to agree. It was a good pick.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Great pick. Biden's consistent support for the Iraq war makes him just the kind of warmonger we need. He's also shown his get tough against the Russians, so he's obviously not some whiner who's afraid of nuclear war. His support for the bankruptcy bill shows that he has the soul of repo man. Tough, tough, tough.

Let's all get our jack boots on and goose step into the future.

lilalia said...

If there is one thing Obama has proven to people worldwide is his ability for making smart decisions and bring in smart people to help him when he is in need of good advice. Just think of the crass difference presented when it comes to Obama and Biden in handling international affairs and that of someone-who-does-not-even-know-the-captial-of-Spain and someone-who-shout-his-friend-in-the-face...

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