Lawd, have mercy!
Just when I start to think the Russian poisoning story…well, ummm...I guess a bitch should clarify which Russian poisoning story (wink)…cough…just when I think the Russian poisoned in London story is going to get boring it heats the fuck up again!

Andrei Lugovoi, who is being accused by British authorities of poisoning former spy Alexander Litvinenko, held a press conference and went off.
Lugovoi, who this bitch is fascinated to see still alive given the amount of polonium-210 he is being accused of dropping hither and non ‘bout London proper, accuses British authorities of poisoning Litvinenko and then trying to frame him for it!
And he said Litvinenko was working as an agent for British special services…but then he got his Jason Bourne on or something like that and they had to eliminate him.

So, British special services either flew some agents to Russia and then flew them back with a whole hell of a lot of polonium-210…which those agents then dropped like birds drop shit all over the damned place…and then dropped some in Litvinenko’s tea and thus killed him…
Pause…gather air…continue…
…or the British agents planted the polonium-210 on the planes and in various locations throughout London in an attempt to link that radioactive nastified shit to the Russian government and blame the killing of Litvinenko on them…
…sip water and then continue…

…or Lugovoi is full of shit, the Russian government had him knock off Litvinenko and then supplied him with some Bond-esque cool as hell poison fighting antidote which explains why he still liveth and does not gloweth!
Our government uses rancified pseudo reporters with rage management issues and limited ethics to blow the well established covers of spies they wish to punish.
But it’s becoming clear that our sorta-allies are keeping their spy disposal activities retro as a motherfucker…
Just when I start to think the Russian poisoning story…well, ummm...I guess a bitch should clarify which Russian poisoning story (wink)…cough…just when I think the Russian poisoned in London story is going to get boring it heats the fuck up again!

Andrei Lugovoi, who is being accused by British authorities of poisoning former spy Alexander Litvinenko, held a press conference and went off.
Lugovoi, who this bitch is fascinated to see still alive given the amount of polonium-210 he is being accused of dropping hither and non ‘bout London proper, accuses British authorities of poisoning Litvinenko and then trying to frame him for it!
And he said Litvinenko was working as an agent for British special services…but then he got his Jason Bourne on or something like that and they had to eliminate him.

So, British special services either flew some agents to Russia and then flew them back with a whole hell of a lot of polonium-210…which those agents then dropped like birds drop shit all over the damned place…and then dropped some in Litvinenko’s tea and thus killed him…
Pause…gather air…continue…
…or the British agents planted the polonium-210 on the planes and in various locations throughout London in an attempt to link that radioactive nastified shit to the Russian government and blame the killing of Litvinenko on them…
…sip water and then continue…

…or Lugovoi is full of shit, the Russian government had him knock off Litvinenko and then supplied him with some Bond-esque cool as hell poison fighting antidote which explains why he still liveth and does not gloweth!
Our government uses rancified pseudo reporters with rage management issues and limited ethics to blow the well established covers of spies they wish to punish.
But it’s becoming clear that our sorta-allies are keeping their spy disposal activities retro as a motherfucker…
Hmmm, curiouser and curiouser...
it wouldn't surprise me if dick cheney and the rest of the neocons were sitting around wishing for their own supply of whatever the hell that stuff is. they would be some busy little poisoning bastards if they thought they could get away with it. or maybe they already have. it's just hard for me to believe, given the state of our nation today, that whatever dreadful nefarious political plot is afoot in the rest of the world, it's already happened here.
You're right---It's all too retro. . . .
Not that I want ANYONE being poisoned
by polonium, but the old spy-- assassin game
is at least a bit more understandable in it's stupid fucked up geopolitical way.
Whereas Bush's incompetant, evil, chest thumping
administration does use our popular press and civilians as assassins. But it is so much easier
to catch him at it.
So sad. And by the way, they are so good-bad at at it no polonium need apply.
Ask Valerie Plame Wilson . . . .
And anyone against the war. . . .
And anyone with original thought who doesn't
goose step to the party line. . . .
And the govenor of Kansas . . . .
And anyone ever plucked off an American street with no real evidence against them and called a terrorist.
I'd like to see these governments step to the real reason they play these stupid games and endanger
everyone in the process when there's a hellava lot more important things to accomplish in this life.
Whoa! I need some serious caffeine after that one.
Were we talking about spies!?
I used to want to be a spy until I worked for the government intelligence community. It's just basically playing a new kind of game with much more serious consequences than pasting a "kick me" sign on the person in the cube next to you.
Girl, have you seen the trailer for the Bourne Ultimatum? Now that's what *I'm* talkin' 'bout!
(why yes, I can be shallow. thus?)
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