I purchased an ice shaver…and y’all know a bitch always has vodka and cran about…then, in a moment of inspiration (and overheatedness), decided to combine the two.
Happiness and joy!

This weekend is Missouri’s sales tax holiday – get your shop on for back to school weekend, which this non-parent learned the hard way while attempting to purchase a carrying case for Ms. Sister Girl MacBook.
Lawd, St. Louis is full of misbehaving chil’ren trying to give a bitch a stroke up in the Apple Store. All that running and the total lack of home training! Not to mention the screaming, shouting, whining and panting for this or that thing they just have to have or they will simply die of embarrassment.
My nerves can’t take all that backtalk and I’m not even on the receiving end!
All I did was park…enter the mall…go straight to the Apple Store…endure a drama filled store full of youth getting their youth on and parents treating the store like a 30 minute daycare pit stop. I purchased a bag for Ms. Sister Girl MacBook…and ran from that place of insanity and chaos like my life depended on it!
Fuck it all.
I’ll pay the tax next time.
When did I become my Grandmother?
Mmmhmmm...I heard that!
Provocative, in-your-face, funny, brilliant! Don't mess with the ABB!
I want some deets on this ice shaver, girl! Brand, price, location...a queen needs to know!
I cain't stand me no non well behaved mall kids! I used to live in Mall Mecca in NJ and it was hell on weekends!
I stumbled across this site while looking for porn. Man, its different that that but its much cooler! I will take a deep breath of the rare-ified intellectual air! And to think; I was just about to masturbate!!
Is it awful to be tempted by the idea of a vodka/cran smoothie at 9:00 am on a Sunday Morning????
Come on, gorgeous. That smoothie machine is right around the corner from my house.
Let's get to' up from the flo' up.
Girl...our tax free week was last week and I avoided it like the plague. I'd rather pay the taxes, thank you very much, than be inundated with the screaming meemies, the overburdened parents and the bitchy customer service reps who are fed up of answering the question "is there tax on this? is there tax on that?"
Thank you, but I'll take my 70 cents and stay home with it.
I noticed that as Tax-free weekend was announced gas prices shot through the roof. Coincidence? who knows.
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