Oh my!
District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor just pissed in Scooter B.'s Nixonian Corn Flakes.
I guess the "when the President does it, that means that it's not illegal" argument didn't hold up any better now than it did during Watergate.
Onward to the appeal...
Jail to the Chief is Daily Kos diary with great video of CNN's Jack Cafferty talking about the ruling.
Glenn Greenwald, a consitutional lawyer, has summarized and evaluates the ruling at Unclaimed Territory:
First, the court rejected the administration's assertion of the "state secrets" doctrine with regard to the NSA eavesdropping program...
Second, the court ruled that the plaintiffs have standing to challenge the legality of the NSA program even though they cannot prove they have been eavesdropped on...
Third, the court ruled -- rather emphatically and without much doubt -- that warrantless eavesdropping violates the Fourth Amendment's prohibition on unreasonable searches and seizures...
Fourth, the court ruled independently -- again, without all that much reasoning -- that the NSA program violates the plaintiffs' First Amendment rights...
Fifth, the court relied upon Youngstown to hold that the Executive's powers in the national security area do not entitle him to act beyond the law or the Constitution...
Sixth, the court swiftly and dismissively rejected the administration's claim that the AUMF constitutes authorization to eavesdrop in violation of FISA...
Seventh, the court made its scorn quite clear for the administration's Yoo theory of executive power because, as the court put it, "there are no hereditary kings in America and no powers not created by the Constitution."...
Finally, and really quite extraordinarily, the court (a) declared the NSA program to be in violation of FISA, the First Amendment and Fourth Amendment and (b) issued a permanent injunction enjoining the Bush administration from continuing to eavesdrop in violation of FISA...
Can we Impeach Bush, now?
Day by day, ABB, I feel the pendulum that is politics taking a sharp turn toward the center (heading left). Happy day for us. Also, with the passing of law protecting retirement/death benefits of same-sex couples (among others), we are doing good.
It seems like no matter what this Administration throws at us, the "good guys" will always come out on top. We just have to be preared for what he throws next. Little 'victories' like this help!
Ay Ay Ay! (tounge roll)!
I can't say more on the blog. But the picture did caught my attention. I think it's the cutest picture I've seen of Pres. Bush. It's very unbecoming!
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