Today is August 3rd and in Missouri that means today is the anniversary of the Marriage Amendment Embarrassment of 2004, which banned same-sex marriage in an alleged attempt to protect the sanctity of marriage for my fellow Missourians.
So, a bitch was wondering how that was working out ***blink, blink and double blink***and thinking that the divorce rate should back up the theory that ‘protecting marriage’ was what that amendment was all about.
Or did a bitch miss a step somewhere?
Today’s anniversary got me thinking about a lot of things…about great expectations and the limits of the law.
Great expectations…
When news of the overwhelming passage (some 70% of Missourians said 'go for it') of the Missouri we legally recognize man on woman marriage and only one man on one woman marriage here law came through a bitch was disgusted…and then embarraseed…and very concerned.
If one believed the rhetoric, 70% of Missourians thought they protected marriage.
Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that Amendment 2 didn’t 'protect' a motherfucking thing except conservative turnout at the polls in 2004. Amendment 2 didn’t keep spuses from cheating…from sinking deeper into gambling addiction...from indulging their inner asshole. It didn't prevent office spouses from becoming something more…that job loss from emerging as a huge issue…or your high school sweetheart from develping into you middle aged nightmare.
The law has limits…
Clearly the Amendment didn’t do what it was never going to be able to do in the first place, which was to protect legal unions from dissolving in divorce in Missouri.
But when life gives you lemons..
This bitch thinks there is a class action lawsuit just waiting to be filed here.
If you were a Missouri resident and voted for Amendment 2 August 3rd 2004…and your marriage fell apart after that Amendment was signed into law…a bitch thinks you should be able to sue for legal fees and emotional distressed caused by the failure of that product to deliver sanctity!
Sue who, you ask?
Why yourself!
This was, after all, a ballot messure (wink).
A bitch would just like someone record, admit that the bill was redundant hypocritical bullshit that insulted the constitution it amended, manipulated the morally confused and pandered the evangelical right into a nearly sexual ballot molesting frenzy.
That has about the same chance of happening as layoffs at the divorce court...
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What if I voted against it and my marriage still fell apart. Can I get some money for that? Please! know this bitch has your back! Mayhap there should be a special settlement for no on 2 voters...
Amendment 2 did exactly what the sponsors wanted it to: turn out a large conservative vote for the candidates running. The whole purpose of Amendment 2 was to turn out conservative voters, similar to when the President threatens a federal constitutional ban on gay marriage. The conservatives have gotten very good at turning out voters with side-issue ballot initiatives. Why the Democratic party hasn't done the same is a mystery. Oh, wait, maybe it is because we don't use scare tactics to make our own partisans vote.
On the gay civil rights issue, folks don't like it when I say it, but far too many are trying to "hurry-up and get it done." If history has taught us anything with the black civil rights movement, it takes time and baby steps to work toward equality (160 years so far and still working on it). There will be slow progress, and even some steps backward, before the GLBT community in America has all the same opportunities as the rest of society. And, it will take more than dressing-up and marching down Grand to get there.
As an aside, unfortunately, there don't appear to be the leaders in the GLBT community that the black community benefited from between 1850 and 1970 (W.E.B. du Bois, MLK, Malcom X, Frederick Douglas, Harriet Beacher Stowe, etc.). But then again, even the black community doesn't have leaders like that anymore. Where have all the leaders gone? But I digress....
Arizona is voting on a similar law this fall. Divorced people should not be allowed to vote, since they obviously haven't defended marriage (although homosexuals were probably the cause of their marriage's demise).
Alabama's got me so upset.
Tennessee make me lose my rest.
And everybody knows about Missouri, Goddam!!
A bitch has never been one to wait around to be led (wink).
Movements are the masses of people who do the grassroots work...generals are nice, but they are born from the struggle - they don't create the struggle.
Mayhap it is time to confront the leader within...mobilize...organize...inspire and empower?
Every name you listed stepped up...and the time to step up is now.
Some divorced people. You know how a bitch feel about absolute statements (wink).
Some of the best allies against Amendment 2 here were folks who had done the marriage dance and eneded up dancing solo.
But I feel you...some of those motherfuckers with three marriages under their belt need to back off the sanctimonious bullshit...big time.
I love your term "man on woman marriage." Who's the aggressor in this scenario? You guessed it, and that's just the way the conservatives like it. With same-sex weddin's, whose to tell who "the man" is?
Wow, the Bitch has a way with words. I tried to post similar to your thoughts here a while back on my site. Thank you for your sharing your profound ponderings!
Gay or straight, divorce is still a possiblity...
I find many Gay's with a better fondation and education then some low life straight ppl. I see unions lasting longer married or not. WHY? Cause they have to WORK to be married and stand up to stones being thrown at them...
Now Bitch, what do you have to say now??
Thank you for speakin out on that bullshit we call "marriage protection". I agree with Travis that the Gay Rights movement doesnt have the same leadership or mentality that the Black civil rights movement had, but you also have to look at the culture we live in today. We are a "microwave society" that wants everything to be instantaneous, not one that is willing to wait it out and chip away at the problem piece by piece.
And as a gay Black man, I know Im pissed when the white power structure within the gay rights movement try an equate the struggles of homosexuals to Black folk. Especially when the gay community has become a bastion of racism.
I guess my point is, should gay men and women be allowed to get married? Hell yea. Why should heterosexual women be the only ones to get some of that community property in a divorce? ;-)
you GO shark fu!
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