A certain someone requested images of cool to help deal with the heat.
The heat really is a burden, isn't it?
But we all must find ways to stay cool!

Try sampling an iced beverage in the shade.
Or recall cooler days and snow-based joy!

Fuck it, get your cool-down on by any means necessary.
A bitch consumes iced Limeades and provides ice cubes for Betsey the sorta beagle, since there are no ponds about.
Be safe and stay cool...a break in the heat wave is coming our way!
Thank the small dicked SUV driving rich white male corporate terrorists for the heat wave.
Hello Angry,
Just found your site through the African American pundit.
I'm also a blogger... in St. Louis, same age/generation...and cover some of the same issues. ALSO use the "Angry" moniker in my screen name. lol
I try to stick with National and International Issues, but i'm beginning to get more
interested in local issues as well (a lot of crazy things going on right now locally).
I will be reading through your archives...to see what I can see :)
Interesting so far....
The Angry Independent
"Thank the small dicked SUV driving rich white male corporate terrorists for the heat wave."
Not just them but all of us who choose to drive instead of walk, ride the bus or carpool. Count the number of cars with only one person inside, blame us, too.
one smarmy mama..thanks for asking. She's pregnant...and that says it all at the moment.
Not just them but all of us who choose to drive instead of walk, ride the bus or carpool. Count the number of cars with only one person inside, blame us, too.
Well, I take the bus, so do I count? ;)
The heat was miserable in WI; Prime I have been taking sub-freezing showers two or more times a day. It helps. The cat has been getting ice cubes in his water dish along with chilled wet food. (Just pop a pouch of wet pet food in your fridge for a couple of hours; Sammy really seemed to like it.)
The heat seems to have broken for right now. I hope that's it for the season.
--Weasel, "Eighties are okay. Ninties and higher? Screw that noise."
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