Yes, contemplating.
An exploration of the Paris Hiltonification of society…
This bitch is disturbed by Paris Hilton. She is a frightening occurrence to me. There have been wanna-be it girls before…certainly heiresses gone bad before…but something about the dawn of the Paris Hilton era has a

Paris is rich…beyond rich…super duper ‘oh shit, that chick is rich’ rich. The best of everything was at her disposal at birth. Yet, Paris Hilton presents as a vapid throw back to the dark ages. She indulges in a media obsessed star fucking lifestyle that used to be the province of those who aspired to be super duper rich. In the past, young women would take the Paris Hilton route because they were not rich…and a bitch would always mentally pardon their behavior because there was such tragic desperation behind it.
Yet Paris Hilton lacks that desperation. Rather, there is a cool calculation to her vapidity…a purpose behind that purposeless exterior.
This bitch has begun to view her emergence as an era…the resulting product of years spent demonizing the feminist, the intellectual, the socially concerned and the liberal. Paris Hiltonification is a happening…the embracing of ignorance…the uplifting of blissful disregard…the worship of the Gawd of materialism.
Somewhere…somehow…Paris Hiltonification replaced the meaning seeking that defined my young adult years. It replaced the notion of doing something to make a positive mark on the world. Paris Hiltonification fills that void with grotesque extravagance and anti-intellectualism.

Literature gives way to Confessions of an Heiress.
Health and self confidence gives way to the glorification of woman as an object…slick and lacking substance...gleeful to be paraded before the world on video and in magazines as a thing.
Ambition has morphed into this freak show on international display…an awkward and pathetically desperate dance for attention worthy of Barnum’s sideshow.
Perhaps we are witnessing the birth of a cult of nothing.
Oh, the horror!
Some will say that Paris Hilton has a right to be what she is. Yeah…okay…she has the right to do what ever the fuck she wants to do.
But this bitch isn’t fixated on Paris Hilton so much as what the dawn of Paris Hiltonification means.
It is not that Paris Hilton, as a celebutante, has longevity. In fact, a bitch believes she is teetering on the edge of has been. However, even when Paris Hilton is exposed as irrelevant...when the cameras move from adoration into a Brittany Spears-esque glorification of her as a hot mess walking…even then society will be left with her residue.
The temple will be empty and the guardians of the Cult of Nothing will find a new idol to worship.
Which brings me back to now…to women heatedly debating women 1950’s style over where our 'place' is…to an extremist conservative society that seeks to lift up that 1950’s ideal of womanhood rather than acknowledge what the motherfucking 50’s were really like for women. It brings me back to a society that debates the sanctity of an institution with a 50% failure rate…refuses to address the real threats to traditional marriage all the while pimping a fundamentalist bastardization of religion that has gone so amuck that my heart bleeds for the faith from which it sprang forth like a wild panting beast.
Or maybe Paris Hilton is just another emaciated heiress with a back in the day tired assed hustle and a heart of gold…
I ain't a big fan of the singer Pink, but I believe that she wrote a song (Stupid Girls) about the "embracing of ignorance" and what you have aptly dubbed Paris Hiltonification.
The scary things is: it never ends! Who will be it next? There is an endless stream of emaicated, pill-popping clones waiting in line to take her place. And, society rewards them for their ignorance and greed.
I don't remember it being like this when I was in high school and college. I mean, we had Madonna, but we didn't blindly worship her (or her behavior).
I just bought the new Dixie Chicks CD (which kicks ass, by the way). It made me think that in all this arguing among ourselves (as people and as women), the message is becoming more clear--it is acceptable to do a multitude of things, just don't think or vocalize anything of substance or else you will pay the price.
Somewhere I think Phyllis Schlafly is doing a little dance and shooting Gloria Steinam the finger.
I think you have hit the nail on the head with this post, exposing the bubble-gum culture that is going to leave a significant portion of the younger generation of women needing a massive reality check before they can become, well, honest-to-Gawd grown ups.
The temple will be empty and the guardians of the Cult of Nothing will find a new idol to worship.
my heart bleeds for the faith from which it sprang forth like a wild panting beast
Ms. Bitch you do have a way with words-well done
That's hot.
Someday, when all the necessary distractions from reality we need are provided by cunning computer simulations with composite personalities provided by teams of animators, entertainers and porn stars, we will look back on these days with the kind of wistful nostalgia baby boomers now feel when recalling the Monkees.
Paris is the harbinger of the Age of the Celebretroids, artificial beings designed to distract us from the catastrophic events unfolding around us and reinforce our reverence for the rich and the pretty spawn of our corporate masters. All hail the celebretroids!
Of course, to some, she's a walking ad for the Estate Tax.
here here...
what happens when you fill a void with another void?
It's people like Paris that make me hate hollywood and believe me, those chicks are all over here... sigh....
Katherine aka nypaganchick
the glorification of vapidity. the birth of the cult of nothing. Very interesting.
I like your blog
Paris Hilton is America--rich, willfully stupid, arrogant, vapid, shallow, and bound to burn her/itself out. She's our perfect mirror/metaphor.
I think the cult of Paris may also indicate an increasing polarization of society. A divide, the cuts across all economic classes, seems to exist between those who aspire to obtain knowledge and those who work to be willfully ignorant
Paris is truly the harbinger of the era of celebrity as the reason for celebrity. She represents nothing but privilege and yet our glitterati and paperazzi cannot get enough of her and, consequently neither can our gossip-hungry, culture-free country.
If nature truly abhors a vacuum, why does Paris Hilton exist? (Other than as a resevoir for various body parasites and STDs?)
Sadly, too many people aspire to be this vapid twat.
What a vapid, useless, worthless, braindead waste of human flesh and blood. She has everything at her disposal and she pisses it away, making a fool of herself in the process. The silly little fool didn't even avail herself of a decent education. What I wouldn't give to have those resources...dare I even imagine a good education without having to face student loans and job market where wages don't keep up with the cost of living? I can only wish.
She doesn't even deserve the title of human being. She's like some evil, ueber-rich, Stepford troll.
Maybe Paris Hilton is just fucking with us. Maybe she's actually crazy clever and has made a parody of herself to reflect the nihilism and commercialism of a culture that would continue to revel in its own hollow excesses . . .
Damn, I wish I could believe that were true.
Paris Hilton and those who will follow will always be glorified. I mean what could be more attractive to those who would vanquish feminism and progress...a rich, blond, eager to please, on display, lacking morals, and lacking brain power. Her mind is closed and her legs are open. I think there are lots of people who think that is what women should be, they will always pay attention to her type. She is the ANTI-feminist, and America is eating that crap up.
Hells bells! Please include her enabling parents! Do you remember how "loving and supportive" they were of Paris when the sex-video hit? I'm no prude, not by a long shot, but trust me, my dad would not be smiling if a sex video of any of his children, was made public, especially on a national level.
Sure that family's got shitloads of cash, but obviously no scruples.
I feel you on this post ABB.
What's really funny to me is that the person who needs to read this post-the person who has had more opportunity for education than most and has failed to excel academically- COULD NOT EVEN MAINTAIN ATTENTION LONG ENOUGH TO READ YOUR THOUGHTS. . .EVEN THOUGH THE THOUGHTS ARE ABOUT HER! Ugh!
That's funny shit!
The question though: is she happy? Hmmm. . . after all 'knowing that we know' is the curse of humankind right? Maybe she's achieved an existential-based COW-like state. . .
I don't know if she is vapid or if she is bored. I decided she must be bored. I mean if you have everyhting anyone could possibly want and can get anything, what is left? She never has to work and doesn't seem to know how to pursue any interests because all she has to do is be her and go out of the house and it becomes news. The rich usually make certain their children know how to do two things 1. conquer and 2. have "interests". I mean why isn't she learning how to run the family business?
I think this has been building up for a while now. A few years ago I noticed MTV and VH1 were overloaded with TV shows designed to make you wish you were rich To list some, Cribs , the Fabulous life of..., the never ending parade of reality shows featuring rich people who drop 20 grand on a couch then spend the rest of they day at a cafe , the entire E network.... Also popular have been the endless Make-over shows offering people a small taste of how rich people take care of themselves Queer Eye comes to mind, also "What not to wear" in which they give you 5 grand to blow at Barney's. It's like someone made the eighties happen again.
"Maybe Paris Hilton is just fucking with us. Maybe she's actually crazy clever and has made a parody of herself to reflect the nihilism and commercialism of a culture that would continue to revel in its own hollow excesses . . .
Damn, I wish I could believe that were true."
Y'know, I actually had a dream where I was hanging out with Paris Hilton, and it turned out that she really wasn't getting all that much money from her parents, and the whole vapid, money grubbing ho thing was all an act so that she could financially sustain herself in the future, just trying to make a living, really. She was actually a pretty cool and down to earth person.
And then I woke up and she was horrible again.
Something Paris Hilton said quite a while back made me thing surely this waste of plasma would be forgotten in 15 minutes:
"I had no idea people actually had to work for their money!"
I wonder how much her father had to pay out to keep her in the paparazzi's lenses and to keep that ridiculous show on for more than one episode. What is equally scary, as you and others have remarked on, is that she actually has a following of so many witless morons.
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