Tuesday, October 02, 2007


This bitch hates having my picture taken…hate it, hate it, hate it.

As a result, there are only three or four pictures of me as a wee bitch…and very few photos of a grown bitch.
This is my favorite childhood picture because it also has C-Money smiling in the background…oh, and Spiderman too!


A bitch’s picture avoidance has probably contributed to that unfortunate is she really a black woman rumor so here goes…

…a pretty decent Afro day at the office if I may say so myself (wink).

Thank you Jeffrey for fitting a photo session into your busy day!


Anonymous said...

those glasses are HOT!

delux said...

Please dont tell me that people have actually been questioning your Negritude?!

*gets ready to do battle*


Shark-Fu said...

rachel...thanks! I adore them.

Delux...don't get me started. They may question it once...but they know better than to question it twiec (wink).

D. said...

i'm a long-time lurker who gets the RSS feed of your blog on livejournal.

i must say, your hair is gorgeous!


Anonymous said...

LOVE the Spiderman picture! And if I were as lovely and photogenic as you are, I'd have my picture taken every day! Thanks for sharing two great shots.

Anonymous said...

Girrrl! I can't believe anyone would question your blackness less they face the true Bitchitude of Shark-Fu! Plus, you is FINE!
Deluxe-I am taking off my jewelry an gettin' ready to kick some non-believin' a$$ myself!

Anonymous said...

Wow- that look really says "Don't mess with me!". I need to practice that for my substitute teaching gigs!

more cowbell said...

Yes, definitely hot glasses. I am loving the look of pure joy you've got going on in the Spidey-pic! That is just too good.

Maya's Granny said...

You and C-money were both very cute little girls. And I, also, like your glasses and your hair.

Anonymous said...

Hey gorgeous woman,
Don't hate having your picture taken. I want to see more (and you can't refuse a Diva)!

Sean Graham said...

Now the first picture shows potential as a crime fighter. The second picture shows the alter ego of a superhero. I.E. out of costume.

And yes people she knows she looks good as hell with those come hither eyes of hers looking over those spectacles.

That's just satanically sexy.

Anonymous said...

I love your hair, too. Me, I want to be able to do twisties. But I'm white. As in, "don't put that girl against a white wall and use a flash cuz she'll be way overexposed and all you'll see are eyes" white. And white girls with limp hair can't do twisties. Well, maybe the grey part can.

I hate having my picture taken and once told a guy I was Amish and that I believed that pictures were a graven image. And he believed me. Yeah. Amish girl in blue jeans.

Frogspond said...

Love the hair, love the glasses, adore the expression on your face.

Great pic!

Me. Here. Right now. said...

Totally fits what was in my head...damn fine. Damn fine.

CrankyProf said...

Aw. A Baby Bitch was so cute, with the afro puffs!

And an Adult Bitch looks formidable as Hell.

Lacey said...

Gurrrrl...you fine. Dare I say it? I think you look sweet. Look at those cute chubby cheeks...so pinch-able.

TwinsGoddess said...

I believed you, but thanks for the photo anyway. Gorgeous.

Rebel Yankee said...

Yeah, I believed you, too, but it's still fun to see.
Was that second photo taken right before you had to write that post about Ann Coulter? :-) Because you do look ready to "read."

Anonymous said...

Damn! I thought I was one of the only few to have a coveted snap of you! (posted here)I must update.

Shark-Fu said...

LOL Todd!

My how a bitch's Afro has grown!

Must be the cigars...

Ancrene Wiseass said...

Fabulous glasses, fabulous 'fro, faboulous bitch.

Anonymous said...

Ever the shy one, I see....


ChristopherM said...

All the beauty and the bitchitude comes through...that's the mark of a great photog and a fine bitch!

Ruach X said...

would you walk me home one night . . .?

Homer said...

You are a beautiful woman.

Anonymous said...

You are beautiful, passionate in your convictions and a powerful inspiration to many.

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