That’s why we call her C-Money (wink)!
Seriously though, we've got Acceptably Black t-shirts and mugs on sale at the ABB store.
Seriously though, we've got Acceptably Black t-shirts and mugs on sale at the ABB store.
Shake shit up...challenge people's idea of what acceptable blackness is all about...and, at the very least, make people think.
Oh, and help a bitch pay for my groceries!
And a HUGE thank you to Brother Rob Thurman for the design work on this and all ABB related merchandise!
Oh dear. I'm not any kind of black, but I want one of those shirts in the worst way.
Me too! Imagine the looks we'd get...
no matter what way I look at it, I can't wear that T-shirt. Damn it. Great idea. When I've had some rest I'll pass it on.
Okay, that's awesome.
I'd love a "words are my weapon.." 1 inch button!
If you weren't already an Angry Black Bitch, I would say it'd make a hell of a great name to be an "Acceptably" Black Bitch.
But I guess that's a contradiction.
I'm still saving up for the apron. Now you have that fabulous shirt?!!! Wauugh!!!!
ps: did you see steinem's 'debate' with that sister from princeton?
Hi, I'm a long-time reader, first-time poster. I'd be interested to hear your reaction to this op-ed (apologies if you've read it already):
It made me incredibly annoyed. There ARE people who notice the oppression of women...they're called feminists.
This is absolutely PERFECT. C-Money is off the heezie!
C-Money is working on other acceptably t-shirts for y'all!
Delux - Mmmhmmm, made me throw up a fist.
Lizzie, I haven't read that Op Ed but will do. It was sent to me as a critique of the media, though. I'll letcha know if it pisses me off...
That's so great! I'm thinking on the basic ABB afro shirt...
The wall clock is hilarious.
How about
"Articulate Black Bitch"?
I *know* I heard someone say that as I walked out of a job interview once.
Yo mama's articulate.
Yeah, put that on the back of the ABB t-shirt.
Oh lord almighty, I need that shirt. I had a shirt in college that said, This Black Person is Not Threatening. Me and another black guy on campus got them because we rolled with skaters. We'd always get harrassed even if we weren't on our decks!
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