If our fireplaces were operational, the fire might be delightful.
Since the bitter wind continues to blow…
Its fucking cold, bloody cold...cold as a motherfucker!
This bitch drove to work this morning thankful for the heat in our home…thank you, oh Gawd of electrical randomocity…and beyond grateful that my ass doesn’t work for the electric company.
Shall we begin?
This bitch is still trying to get a handle on the political poisoning drama swirling about.
I’m fascinated with the recent poisonings…botched poisonings…fucked up from the floor up poisonings…and (gasp) the possibility that Russia may or may not be behind them. Gasp again! If one more reporter mouths off about the spy thriller angle in this recent poisoning scandal, this bitch is going to reach into the television set and smack some sense into that fool.
This shit would make a lousy book, people! Just look at how sloppy this overt wanna be covert action was. Lawd, some asshole was dropping radioactive matter all over the place! She or he probably poisoned themselves in the process, so they should just look for the dead person who glows in the dark and lacks an alibi.
This bitch may never take a leak on a plane again! Come back glowing all about my…ummm…well, that’s just not the kind of shit this bitch wants to attempt to explain to my doctor.
Anyhoo, the news is making this incident and the possible links to the Russian government seem shocking and that’s working my nerves. Poisoning is not shocking. Fucked up poisoning that leaves evidence all over the place…well, that’s shocking. But poisonings as a method of
Is a bitch loosing my mind or wasn’t there a high profile poisoning in the Ukraine? And wasn’t that shit linked to Russia?
While we’re at it, what the fuck are we going to do about it if we prove it was Russia anyway?
Uh oh…never mind…a bitch doesn’t want to put that historically proven dumb ass idea into anyone’s head.
Isn’t Ann Coulter on record in favor of poisoning officials who get on her rancid ass nerves?
Follow the smell of rotting flesh, press-like people.
Oh, and be sure to check Coulter’s passport…
LMAO ........ AGAIN!!!!
Apropros nothing, I just made a deal with one of our office killers and he's gonna trade me some venison for a few dozen cookies. They didn't make sausage, fu, but this kill is pretty fresh, so your shark-ass should be happy. So, as you go, gather up recipes and get your game on.
Speechless :|
But, girl I 'do' love your blog!!!
Been passin you along to others for quite some time..KIU!
"Anyhoo, the news is making this incident and the possible links to the Russian government seem shocking and that’s working my nerves. Poisoning is not shocking. Fucked up poisoning that leaves evidence all over the place…well, that’s shocking. But poisonings as a method of political retribution? Nope…not shocking at all."
THANK YOU. Glad to see I'm not the only one who pays attention to history or stayed awake in history class.
People kill me (metaphorically, of course).
As was suggested on a discussion forum: Why can't we find these poisoners and have THEM take out Osama Bin Forgotten?
Geez, does anyone remember the Lucrezia Borgia? Didn't she raise killing by poisoining to an art?
And, to turn this around, let me go on record as saying that any attempt to poison Miz Coulter would not be murder so much as a mercy killing....
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