My ass had a fantasmic vacation. A bitch needs to extend gratitude to Brother Rob for holding down the blog while my ass got some rest.
This bitch was able to meet several fellow bloggers and fans while visiting San Francisco! We gathered over drinks at the Tonga Room…where it rains…every ten minutes. Seriously chil’ren, the fucking room has a rain shower thing that…well…showers on a regular schedule. Fantabulous! Thanks to everyone who was able to come out and share a vodka cran with a bitch! And a very special thank you to Boadwee of Boadwee Blog for driving a bitch and a bitch’s sister home after the festivities!
A life passage…
A bitch was saddened to learn of the passing of Eva Bobo, the founder of Delmonico’s. Delmonico’s is a fatabulous soul food restaurant here in St. Louis and Brother Rob and this bitch frequent it often.
If you are able to bring joy and comfort to others in your lifetime then you have lived a good life. Eva Bobo gave joy and comfort to many through the art of cooking. Delmonico’s is more than a restaurant and more than a treasure…it is home, soul, militant resistance, black, cultural, ethnic, dense, warm…it is life.
Blessed be Eva Bobo…your legacy is grand and shall extend on beyond your passage.
Moving forward…
A bitch’s take on William Bennett…
A bitch was fired up when my ass read about William Poker is my Game Bennett’s comments on abortion, blacks and crime. This bitch was also pissed off at the fuckers who didn’t step up to condemn him than my ass was at what he said.
Where the fuck are the anti-choice assholes? Where the fuck are all of those media monitoring fucks who can shoot off two million e-mails in 30 seconds over a PBS cartoon depicting lesbian moms? Hello? A bitch is waiting…
Sorry assed hypocritical motherfuckers! Whatever. When you really would like them to announce a boycott surrounding a public figure these motherfuckers head for the hills.
A bitch has several problems with Bennett’s statements. First, they reek of a call for a return to our nation’s eugenics program that this bitch is pretty sure certain compassionate conservatives would rather not dredge back up…in a fucking election year...after they let thousands of brown/black/poor people drown. My ass also has a problem with the assumption that black and felon go hand and hand in this asshole's mind. And this bitch wonders if Mr. Bennett really wants to unearth this argument when my ass can see so many other ways his theory can be applied.
Wait a minute bitch. What did you mean by that last one?
Good question, chil’ren!
For example, Scooter took this nation to war…on false intelligence…that resulted in the killing of thousands. If you follow Bennett’s theory, we should assume that all Scooters (rich, stupid, white, male cheerleaders with vacant looks in their eyes) should be…well…prevented and therefore illegal war would never happen. Just think…one simple procedure and the world would be at peace.
How about this one…most serial killers are white, straight men. If we follow Bennett’s theory, we would dramatically reduce the number of flesh eating freakish serial killers if we simply…well…prevented them.
Here’s my favorite! Think of the economic devastation, pollution, fraud and lost lives that result from marauding corporate fiends. Again, to follow Bennett, we could put a stop to it all with some properly applied choice!
You can see where my ass is going with this.
This bitch is so very tired of this shit. Blacks make up less than 20% of the American population and that includes babies and old people. Yes, blacks theoretically commit more crime…and there was a time when my militant ass would call that statistic payback…but my ass has matured some and now a bitch simply calls it both questionable and a challenge.
To the William Bennetts of the world a bitch has something to people have survived the white man’s science before and our asses will survive it again. This shit ain't new, it ain't science and it sure as shit ain't defendable. A bitch will stand toe to toe with Bennett any time…any day.
Place your bets, you money hungry corporate whore! This bitch hopes that Mr. Bennett references his poker playbook and notes the difference between when one holds and when one should fold…
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The Gumdrop Stage of Grief ...
So many of you have shared condolences and support after the death of my beloved brother Bill from COVID-19. I wish I could thank you indiv...

I was slightly illish this weekend and took to my bed Saturday, but I did rally for Brother Rob Thurman’s fantabulous cookie decorating part...
So many of you have shared condolences and support after the death of my beloved brother Bill from COVID-19. I wish I could thank you indiv...
Okay, so most of you know that this bitch has some evil assed fibroids . Most of them were successfully murdered with full premeditation se...
I've always thought that it should never be too late for Scooter's mother to exercise her right to choose, but looking at the idiot she married, I would say her judgment is clouded anyway, so we can't count on that.
There's also the fact that she is a fucking Nazi disguised as a grandmother, but there we are.
and if we aborted all white babies there would no longer be racism.
in any case... glad you are back and had a good time.
thoughts and prayers on the death of eva for all who will miss her.
Welcome back!
Welcome back! Brother Rob did a fantastical job, however, you were missed! Glad to know you had a great vaca.
As for the Bennett thing, just goes to show you, ignorance is rampant. . . .
Welcome back, Bitch! Hope you're rested and happy!
Brother Rob was a fantabulous guest-blogger, as well.
Welcome back! Yanno, I was at breakfast yesterday and my gf and I were talking about THIS and comparing it to the Tuskeegee Project and the fact that Hitler actually used the Eugenics philosophies which were so popular here in the USA at that time. There's a great book out there I need to get another copy of, War Against the Weak, by Edwin Black, and it's regarding precisely that. Some folks compare Scoots to ol' Adolf... there are others who say the US "inspired" the ethnic cleansing. It's just sick, and sadly, part of our reality.
welcome back, a.b.b.
i surely missed a good time with you here in s.f. pobres mim! o.t. and apartment hunting kept me down for the count.
brother rob threw down in your absence. much props.
on bennett... jeezuz gawd. that fucking toad can say that racist shit on air with little to no consequence, and bolster his own ratings in the process.
the dixie chicks say they're ashamed pres bush is from texas and all hell breaks loose.
it boggles the mind that bennett was the secretary of education for reagan.
Glad to have you back!
I was shocked to hear the comments made by Bennett.
I wanna know who put that asshole in charge of shit???
That fucker Bennett- you know he claimed it was a hypothetical situation but somewhere in his crappy brain he probably believes that shit. I'm glad you had fun in SF, hope you had lots of cran & vodka!
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