Regarding my quest for Smarties…my ass has been informed that they reside at Nestle here in town! Yeah! Smarties will be procured at lunch and inhaled immediately. Although the idea of Smarties from Montreal is appealing...aren't the ingredients listed in French? Oooh, la, la!
Moving forward...
This bitch had a dawg related scare this morning. My sister’s pooch, Sweetie the three legged chow, hurt her back leg. She only has one front leg, so a bitch’s sister was anxious that she may end up with a two legged chow. DRAMA! Since my sister had a meeting, this bitch ended up running Miss Sweet up to the vet. No major damage, but Sweetie is now on an anti-inflamatory med and we’ll have to watch her to see if it persists.
And a bitch started her day off with 1 cup coffee and major DRAMA!
A bitch truly enjoyed all of the comments on yesterday's post! Fantabulous! Regarding the question of whether we should fret over sex ed. while so many other things are going to shit in America…a bitch is rather passionate about this being a huge issue.
You cannot discuss poverty in America without discussing the role planned parenthood (the practice not the institution) or the lack of planned parenthood plays in it. A bitch wants to make certain that folks know that straight black women are the fastest growing group being diagnosed with STD’s and that there is a syphilis epidemic in St. Louis. Many parents are as uninformed as their chil'ren here in the land of daily mass and sanctified marriage. This bitch thinks that sex…sex ed…and sexual politics are way up on the list of shit we should talk about.
In Missouri, the politics of sex is poised to take a huge toll.
They have chipped away at reproductive rights with the goal being that young people will no longer be educated on any form of family planning other than abstinence. Chil’ren do not learn that there is a correlation between when a woman has a child on her own and whether she will live in poverty. The divorce rate is at 57%, public education is producing dumb assed chil'ren and good jobs are harder and harder to find. Add to that the fact that Missouri recently removed 150,000 working citizens off the Medicaid and it begins to look like our state's goal is to destroy the American dream one family at a time.
This is the cold hard reality of republican family values in action. All of this is usually looked at issue by issue and, when viewed that way, it is easy to say that there are other more pressing issues to confront.
But a bitch likes to keep it real. Missouri has declared war on the working poor and poor black women in particular. Missouri is systematically creating a loose/loose scenario in which families are locked into a cycle of separate and not equal eduation, malnutrition, inadequate health care and generally being pimped by the state. Their chil’ren will emerge uneducated, unhealthy, uninspired and unprepared.
This is our other war and y’all can bet your ass a bitch is going to fight it.
On the issue of partisan politics…
A bitch has said it before and my ass is about to say it again…there is a right and a wrong and liberals need to cease apologizing!
If you think that social security is no long needed…your ass is wrong!
If you think an employer should be able to fire someone because they are gay or lesbian…you are wrong!
If you think that education should differ state to state, county to county…that a child who gets a shit education in St. Louis city will not turn around a bite the ass of the chil’ren getting a good education in St. Louis county…your ass is wrong!
If you think you can invade a country and “build” a democracy…you are wrong!
If you think Karen Hughes can rebuild our reputation in the Middle East…you are wrong. And if you think she can accomplish anything while we are still fighting an illegal are dead wrong!
If you think that informing people about how to protect themselves against STD’s leads to sex…WRONG!
If you think that American women have achieved equality and moved into the post-feminist era…you are wrong!
If you think that we live in a society where all are equal and black chil’ren and white chil’ren will lift their voices up and sing old negro spirituals…we ain’t there yet, half of us can’t sign and you are wrong!
If you think health care for everyone is a stupid idea…you are wrong.
If you think that a free press that questions those in power is are wrong!
If you think a living wage will come about out of the goodness of an employer’s heart…WRONG!
If you think the glass ceiling is history…wrong, wrong, wrong!
If you think our abuse of the environment will never come back to haunt us…wrong!
And if you think marriage is a “sometimes food” reserved for Gawd fearing Christian heterosexuals and that any alteration of that will destroy society…yep, you are wrong!
This bitch has values…
If that’s partisan then a bitch is partisan as a motherfucker…
Happy fucking Friday!
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HURRAH! a totally inspiring post.
Liberals do need to stop apologizing, you are RIGHT! Have a great weekend!
I agree with you totally !! All packaging on food and candy is printed in BOTH english and french !! he he
I'd still send them to you if you can't find them there.
YEY! I left the link on Americablog because they were asking for some interesting blogs that no one sees and so I put yours in, sister of mine! So YEY!
If you think there are any better angry black bitches out there, you are WRONG!
Props and love,
Count me in on all that partisanship, girl, and keep preaching it.
And give Miss Sweet a tummy rub from Sophie, Sneauball, and Nate. :-)
So just when are you running for office? You've got my vote! The only thing I disagree with you about is the Smarties. (Though I will eat Smarties once the M&M's are gone!) :o)
Have you read Sight Hound by Pam Houston? It's a very moving story about a three legged dog who just happens to be a Buddhist. Just finished it this week, and now that you're talking about three legged dogs, I had to mention it!
I hear there's a case coming up before the Supreme Court that deals with parental notification regarding abortion laws. It'd probably drive some folks on the right crazy(ier?) to hear me say this, but I'm praying to my God that the Court upholds the children's rights to privacy.
And while we're on the subject, I'd like to see all "Stranger Danger" references removed from the paltry sex ed curriculum our kids do get. Stranger danger is statistically insignificant. What our kids need to hear is that if your Dads, Grandpas, Uncles, Cousins, Brothers, or anyone else you know is touching you in ways they shouldn't, tell and keep telling until someone helps you. Now that's some sex ed 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys need to hear.
I'm sitting here halfway around the world and wondering when you're going to show up on Oprah. Or if you ever will.
Anyway, you should be broadcasted, not just national, but international.
I would think that anyone who wants to promote abstinence would just have to rattle off that litany of crappy things that are associated with single parenthood, then say, "Got it? OK, so here's how that happens so you can make sure your ass doesn't get pregnant." If kids don't know how babies happen, how are they going to prevent it?
But of course, they never thought about that. Stupid fucks.
A ghost's family lives by the saying, "The more I get to know people, the more I like my dog" (or cats, as the case may be). Which is why I hope Sweetie has a full recovery (as do Miss Bonnie and Dakota, my four-legged canine family members).
i was trained to do AIDS education for churches. at one church i was asked to answer questions as part of an AIDS program they did. i said i won't answer any questions unless i can do a condom demo. the pastor said i had to do the demo for the parents first. so i took them all in the sanctuary and did a condom demo. may have been the only time in history such a thing was done in a church. none of the parents would let me show the teens and preteens the demo... some of them even took their kids out before the q&a. and then during the q&a a teacher said that condoms aren't even that effective.
why are people so STUPID?
hope your quest for smarties ends with sweet reward... you so deserve it!
The only people who advocate abstinence until marriage are losers who can not get laid like everyone else their age, so they try to make themselves feel better by convincing younger people that failing to get laid constitutes an accomplishment.
Guess what? Those people are still losers . And they will stay losers because they refuse to admit the truth about themselves.
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