Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Blog of the Motherfucking Week!

A bitch was just informed that my ass made the Riverfront Times Unreal Blog of the Week...or as we bitches say, blog of the motherfucking week!

Well, slap my ass and call me Martha!

This bitch reads the RFT (our New Times rag) now and then along with our city's other paper of note The Vital VOICE Newspaper (wink) so this is quite a nice complement.

A bitch welcomes new RFT blog of the motherfucking week readers!

Oh, did my ass mention that there is bitch apparel for sale...?

Read a bitch, love a bitch and wear a bitch!



Jeffrey Ricker said...

Way to go! And way to work that marketing angle! After all, a bitch needs to keep herself well stocked with Splenda and 1% organic milk....

CrankyProf said...

A Bitch is taking over the WORLD!

Shirley said...

Congrats on the RFT plug!

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