Since my beloved TiVo entered my life I haven’t had to sit through a series of commercials in prime time for years. But last night I watched Shark Week programming live and thus caught a series of ads about Mormons.
Pause…sip coffee…continue.
Yes, Mormons.
The first ad featured a 30 something woman who looked as nice as nice can be and who chatted about her volunteer work in…I think it was Central America…and about how helping others humbled her chil’ren and that she’s a mom and a Mormon.
The second ad featured a 30 something man who also looked as nice as nice can be and who chatted about his love of surfing and his belief that people are cool or something like that and then he said he was a husband and a Mormon.
Now you’re wondering what the fuck this is all about.
I have no idea.
Let’s speculate, shall we?
Maybe Mormons are feeling misunderstood. When I think back to the 2008 election season I recall some anti-Mormon rhetoric being tossed around.
But the timing is off.
Why now?
And these ads aren’t just tardy on the response to a 2008 hate-fest tip…they come across as a re-positioning of all things Mormon.
Mmmmhmm, this bitch thinks these ads are the Mormon version of those BP we’re in it for the long haul and we care so fuck you for not noticing ads that are polluting the television.

This bitch has the same reaction to these ads as I do to the BP we’re in it for the long haul and we care so don’t call us soulless environment destroying beasts cause that hurts and is bad for bitness and you’re lucky we didn’t just let you rot ads.
Smells like bullshit to me.
But I’m willing to bet they’re a HUGE hit in the House of Romney!
Love reading ABB while on my first cup, but damn near sprayed coffee out my nose over, "while these ads show nice as nice can be people who anyone would like to share a cup of coffee with"
DinStL's Golden Rule: Never trust anyone that doesn't drink coffee.
I haven't seen these ads yet, but then I habitually drive my thumb down on the 30 sec advance button several times to advance past commercial breaks. It's a matter of self-preservation avoiding all the the damn BP, Roy Blunt and Prop. C campaign ads lately.
Like the linked article states - these ads have been running for quite awhile - although I'll admit I haven't seen one in years.
I remember back in my elementary school or jr high era there was a commercial running for the Church of Latter Day Saints (which I at the time didn't associate with mormons, nor did I know what a mormon was, nor did I care) and at the end they would offer to send you what they referred to as "the second chapter of the bible" if you called their toll free number. Well, one of my classmates called and received this "second chapter of the bible" just to be silly (allegedly) and his parents became irate. They actually made him read it all and write a paper on it - just to teach him not to call in and order random things from the television anymore. It must have worked (the punishment, not the teachings in the book) because I don't recall him ever becoming mormon. Creative punishment - thumbs up to the parents on that one.
I didn't see them either... but I call bullshit right along with ya...
I suspect it might have something to do with the federal decision on CA's prop 8 coming out today. Since the pro-prop8ers (including Mormons) already have their appeal ready - they want you to know it's not because of their religious intolerance or their biological ignorance - they're really just nice people who want to save the sanctity of marriage.
They could also serve as trial balloons for Nit (oh, did I spell that incorrectly?)-though it's a little early for it.
You have to see the one with the black man! You are so right and I think it is all about running Rommny for president.
Heard you on the radio today! That was great, being able to place a voice with your blog. Which, BTW, I love. Victoria
Thanks Victoria! I just love Tell Me More with Michel Martin - so glad they broadcast it on KWMU here in St. Louis!!! She's the best and it was a lot of fun.
Live under a rock, actually on top of one-ha, and hadn't heard about Romney being a Mormon. Thanks for the heads up on this, one stink leads to another...
I too heard a little of the radio segment, as I followed your links, good to put a voice with the opinions!
Glad to see you're too smart to be fooled.
These ads are starting to creep me out. They've really been in heavy rotation at night. Just saw the Mormon bicyclist who works at The Library of Congress.
I feel as is I'm being beaten over the head...
"[N]ice as nice can be people who anyone would like to share a cup of coffee with" -- They're not even allowed to have caffeine, so you'd be off their list.
wow! :\ i'm mormon and I think your blog is entertaining, though I don't visit often
How 'bout that!
If this shows up as an ad...as in "My name is [insert name], I sometimes read AngryBlackBitch.com and I'm a Mormon"...my Afro may explode.
How about the guy that likes to get along with people that have other beliefs. I believe we are known as gentiles. And Mormon women do belong in the kitchen.
Tisk followed by task, Anonymous...
Women, regardless of our faith or non-faith, belong where ever the fuck we want to be.
Oooooh, girl - don't even get me started. What I can tell you about these commercials is that they are only playing in 9 states and they are all RED states. This is definitely a ploy by the Mormon church to try and sway a swing state and also add a little street cred to what the media has dubbed, the "ANTI-GAYS".
For those of you who do not know much about Mormons - let me give you a quick synapse:
*The founders of this church were total racists (black people were not allowed to hold "the Priesthood" (their level of man status) until the early-mid 1970's. Martin Luther King fucking died in 1968, and you are not going to let the blacks in until the 1970's?
*Total suppression of the woman. They will not tell you that this is so, hell, the women will tell you that they LOVE their positions in the home and family. Their temple rituals are set up in a way that the MAN dedicates himself to GOD, and the WOMAN dedicates herself to the MAN. TOO many people have left that church and every bit of their creepy, Masonic-based rituals(s) are ONLINE - HEEEEYYY!
*They believe God was once a man on an earth-like planet somewhere AND that they (the men only, of course), will one day be a GOD on THEIR own planet. It is mind-boggling that so many people don't know this... of course they save that shit for AFTER you are happy to be a mother, a skier, a journalist... stupid fucking commercials are all lies.
You're right!
Actually, what the the LDS Church is doing is quite frightening. Consider this: these advertisements were created by a successful ad agency- and let me tell you, campaigns like this do not come cheap. Who fitted the bill? Why the member's tithes of course. So instead of money going to say, a charity, people's money was used to pay for this ad campaign.
These ads are not shown everywhere, but in certain markets. Like where I live, Minneapolis, a classic liberal city and a happy blue state.
The Mormon church is doing this with the ads: 1, try to cover their asses on Prop 8 (I don't think people are going to ever forget) 2, try to further Mitt Romney's platform.
I think the Mormon Church is a disgrace. From their actions around 8 to their racist beliefs on Africans. They are a poor excuse for a religion.
When do we see the sd with the guy saying "I'm Black, I'm gay, and I am a Mormon"
I dont even know why i am bothering to comment on this hateful site, but i will. I am proud as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to pay tithes and support these ads. We just want people to see us a people. We have views and just because they don't match yours, it makes people angry. I am tolerant of all religions, races, sexes. We just want to be understood. And there are gay members of the church. Oh and African American members. My bishop is an african american. Just wanted to educate you and your readers about us.
Anonymous - just in case you aren't being deliberately obtuse, what makes people angry are the funded lobbying efforts of said LDS church to restrict and deny rights to the very same people you claim to love.
Acceptance means accepting.
Tolerance has a short shelf life.
And one of these days all y'all "live and let live" people will actually live and let live.
I have to agree with "Anonymous"...you are all off base here! I've heard of anti-mormon attitudes but never experienced it first hand, I thought it was all exaggerated. WOW, I guess I was wrong...I honestly thought our country had grown past such judgment and hate! It's a strong voice who stands up for what they believe in and a weak voice, trying to appear strong, who stands up for what they are against!
When inequality for some is protected by the freedoms bestowed on others injustice thrives.
I don't know. I'm from Upstate, New York. Trying to tell me Joseph Smith is some kind of apostle is like trying to tell me one of my own siblings, or anyone I knew while growing up there is God. After I've fallen on the floor laughing and rolled over a few times and wiped the tears out of my eyes, maybe I can finally offer some comment. MF'ng Ridiculous.
So...what ARE you doing in this "hateful" site, anyway? Doesn't LDS instruct its members not to read materials that are offensive to LDS? WTF. You be sinning.
just to let you know the money they "tossed" was not LDS funded it was funded by people of the lds faith, which means people that are mormon decided to contribute to the anit gay marriage fund so im guessing you did no research on that and just decided to throw that in, i am not LDS but i support them because they are good people and im sick of people walking all over them and viewing them as naive and ignorant. They are just happy, these ads? All they are is something to let people know that they are NORMAL people living NORMAL lives and that they are willing to let you know more about our religion that is the only reason they did this. So you are just retarded to think otherwise. And uneducated in their religion, which is unfortunate since you talk so freely about them as if you know everything about their religion. Educate yourselves before you hate on another religion. and also there are 2 mormons running for president and since they are mormon they wont be voted for even though Romney was governor of the most liberal state in the nation, and made it work there i will vote for him because im not like every other person out there that doesnt vote for someone because of their religion. I will vote for him because i respect him as a person
Anonymous... When I see an ad proclaiming Mormon affiliation denouncing anti equality campaigns I'll consider buying what you're selling. But this bullshit that The Church is doing it but the faithful are not responsible is BULLSHIT.
And folks won't be voting for those candidates because of their fucked up from the floor up platforms.
One more thing - don't ever use "retarded", asshole. Your claims of intelligence got down the toilet.
So sick of the i'm a mormon commercial. I assure you if you were a normal church you would not need to go on tv and try to make everyone believe it. No one is going to vote for your candidates so that you can run the country. If you have faith then fine but you are a religion all by yourself. More of a club that uses it's members for the growth of the club. You aren't fooling any real christians either they know you are VERY different and they aint buying your act.
Anonymous one thing you should realize. When someone lies to you to get you to come to their club then they indoctrinate you into something you were not told about. Well I have a problem with that. I have watched it over and over where I live. They are not Christians but they have been saying that as of late and fooling people into their club. I do not like secret societies of any kind. Listen to Kennedy's speech on secret societies. You will know why I despise what they are doing. Say it's not secret? You have not studied the truth.
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