Y’all will be the first to know!
Moving forward...
This bitch had lunch today with a certain Pampered Queer who thinks that I need to get in touch with my inner child.
Interesting, isn’t it?
He could be on to something.
A bitch may have to get my mischief on this weekend (wink).
Save the date...Monday July 31st a bitch will be guest posting at Rude Pundit along with my sister in bitchitude, Bitch Ph.D.!
Rude Pundit has scheduled the Day of the Bitch, chil’ren.
Y'all best buckle up...
At Rude Pundit?!!! That is freakin' awesome! :-)
His rudeness is one of my faves of all blogging-time, and the undeniable liberal looks forward to some rude, angry black bitchin.
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