Heaven to hell and back again!
Last night the sky opened up and took a giant shit on
This bitch is hold up in a conference room at C-Money’s office…with Betsey the sorta-beagle…and Sweetie the Three Legged Chow.
Anyway, we are all fine and thanks for the e-mails of concern. This storm was weird, but a bitch wasn’t surprised. Three days of extreme heat almost always equals storm based drama in
To my brothers and sisters in
Toodles for now…
Glad you and yours made it through safely. We had our own drama Tuesday night!
I have to admit -- sometimes, I root for the natural disaster. Thunderstorms, hurricanes, blizzards...
Until it knocks the power out in my neighborhood for thirty hours!
ABB...you will be cool to know that it it was 51 degrees this morning and I nearly froze my balls off just going to the car...I think summer is ovah! thinking of you...signed Chillin in Sweden
Thought about ya darlin'! Glad you're ok.
Hi ABB, Worried about ya and glad you're ok! CMoney too! Love to yall.
Off topic.
Shark-fu, I went to buy some Sudafed yesterday - whadafuck??? What is this not pseudephedrine nonsense??? Gah! So I had to buy some Advil Cold and Sinus instead, figuring that the ibuprofin could only be good for me and if it wasn't, liver damage or whatever was totally worth getting the real decongestant deal!
my home is not too far from your office, and i'm (still) without power.
what aggravates me is that everyone across the street from me has electricity. i've never seen so many extension cords in my life.
I thought of you and your tribe when I saw the news reports. I knew if it was bad in Chicago it was probably worse in St. Louis. I'm glad to hear all is well.
Stay cool and hydrated!! Just read about the storm just now! Be safe!
Glad that you and yours are all in one piece. Even here in Brooklyn a week's worth of extreme heat and humidity just led to the kind of thunder and lightning show that had the dog (not usually one to be cowed) under the couch. And this past Monday the electricity went out up and down the entire block that included the Park Slope Food Co-op. I spent Tuesday throwing out lettuce by flashlight, racing what could be salvaged to homeless shelters, and throwing out tens out thousands of dollars of dairy, meat, and frozen goods that couldn't be safely consumed.
Hope that your lights come on soon. If you get too cranky, have C-Money put you down with a bottle and a toy.
Since ABB hasn't posted today, no doubt because she has no power yet, I thought I should let you know we got hit with another storm this morning. Some of the people who got their power back lost it again and a whole new set of people lost power. At least it's a bit cooler, only in the 80's today.
ABB, I had two thoughts:
1. How is ABB?
2. Will I get my ABB fix today?
I am delighted to see that both have been answered to my satisfaction.
Daaaaaaaam is right! Good Lord, Mother Nature must be pissed about something. I was lucky enough to only lose power for four hours after the first storm, but the second storm did me in for another 36.
Lost all the food in the fridge, but thank God it's cooler. Hope all is well with you. Love the blog.
Keeping you, yours, and everyone else without power in prayer. This heat wave is traveling from state to state. Not wanting it to happen, but it could happen where I live also. The power companies have to be having an overload trying to keep businesses and homes cool every place.
I know that your readers will have a lot to read when you update your blog. Looking forward to reading it when you return. God Bless!
Hope you're doing okay. My sis who lives near St. Louis says many people are still without power, and I know the heat is starting back up again after a little down turn here on the other side of the state.
ABB, I'm glad you and the puppies have someplace cool to hang out at.
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