Monday, July 31, 2006

Guest post on Rude Pundit...

Mmmkay, a bitch guest posted for the Rude One...

Lawd, the pressure!


Hammer said...

I read your post over there. Nice. I think the biggest problem with US invovlement on this one is that our concept of Conflict Resolution is perceived as conflict avoidance. Or, unfortunately, we side with the likely winners. Have you read about the lawsuits being filed against the US for sending more weapons to Israel while aware of 25,000+ Americans being stranded in Lebanon? It took more time to evacuate Americans than to send weapons. mmmhhmmm. And then Israel says Hezbollah is purposely killing civilians? Maybe if they had fancy American/satellite guided weapons of Mass Destruction like Israel they'd be able to target their Military a little more efficiently.

Ugh. I'm not even going to take sides in this matter but I will say that anyone who teams up with THIS administration is in serious doubt in my mind.



AOB said...

Just for you.....

seems the conservatives do not want her ass either

E. Normus Johnson said...

Read your first guest-post over at the Rude One's place... and I have a quibble.

Yo' name ain't Angry Black Bitch.

Yo' name is Shark Fu.

And Shark Fu is the one, the only ANGRY BLACK BITCH.

And that bitch is bad like a mufugga!

Oh, and most dogs got more sense than Ehud Olmert's been showing these days...

Lisa said...

I emailed ya ... thought you did a FANTABULOUS job over there. (Had no doubt that you would, ABB)


bitchphd said...

I know what you mean about pressure. I spent all weekend thinking, "what the hell am I going to write?"

But hey, nice job. Of course, you out-funnied me. Hmph.

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