All this talk about the end of days…which a bitch suspects has something to do with the extreme heat baking the living hell out of me at the moment…has clearly caused some folks to loose their motherfucking minds!
Mel Gibson…you have lost your motherfucking mind!
A bitch always suspected that lurking beneath the well tended wound of your new found faithfulness was really a rancid hate filled freak in training with an anger management problem. When Opus Dei came out with that pro-Opus media public relations shit over that code-based film…and they attempted to demonstrate that their members don’t beat themselves with whips as penance by showing the actual tools of correction ***cough** which looked very much like a bitch’s Merciless Rod of bitch-based corrections (the ABB faithful will know that the fuck I’m talking about)…the first person a bitch thought of…the very first person…was Mel Gibson.
Why are you trying to bullshit? A bitch isn’t saying that you didn’t mean to say all that bigoted shit….but a bitch isn’t buying that ‘I don’t really believe that’ bullshit for one fucking second.
This bitch knows drunktitude, a bitch danced with drunktitude and there have been times when drunktitude and a bitch were beyond friends.
Your bigoted comments don’t owe their birth to your blood alcohol level, son.
The fact that they were vocalized?
But at least Mel was drunk off his ass…
Governor Romney has no such cover. A certain I’m better than you and deserve more rights than you because of my high and upstanding values Romney came out as a bigot recently…in Iowa…whilst attempting to kiss some caucus ass!
Guess that one mother and one father shit doesn't always produce a prize calf, huh? Or is he planning to blame this verbal fuck up on the gays too?
And he didn’t even go for an arguable comment!
Uh, uh. That motherfucker said…well, let’s just post the quote.
"The best thing politically would be to stay as far away from that tar baby as I can."
ABB, what was the context?
Great question, chil’ren! He was referring to the Big Dig…not exactly a positive subject given the recent death of a motorist.
Well, fuck it...he’ll most likely recover and start giving political commentary on NBC’s Today Show like Bill Bennett of the I’m pro-life as long as we’re not talking brown life Bennetts!
A bitch is gonna go score a Cherry Lime-aid and pray at the alter of fizzy iced pop for all these ignorant as a motherfucker bigot based stone casting whilst dwelling in glass houses overflowing through the roof with bullshit sinners…every one!
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The Gumdrop Stage of Grief ...
So many of you have shared condolences and support after the death of my beloved brother Bill from COVID-19. I wish I could thank you indiv...

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Okay, so most of you know that this bitch has some evil assed fibroids . Most of them were successfully murdered with full premeditation se...
Um, what's that old saw? That which is said in drunkenness is thought out in sobriety...?
Yup. That's what I thought.
Um, what's that old saw?
That which is said in drunkenness was thought out in sobriety...?
Yup. That's what I thought.
Perfect timing to discuss 'anti-semitism'. . .as Israel is out of fucking control killing innocent civilians with their U.S.-derived advanced weaponry.
I'm not saying Mel Gibson isn't a creep. Clearly he his. I'm all about getting over Bigotry. I just don't buy anyone's mother fucking propaganda anymore!
I completely agree. Mel Gibson has lost his damn mind! Great post and great blog.
OMG, Romney said that? Good lord.
Now I happen to be one of those folks who think Gibson's "Passion of Christ" wasn't anti-Semitic, that the film actually makes the Romans who tortured Jesus look worse than any pharisee in the movie.
But, if he did say the things the article says he did then he does not have his head screwed on straight. But then, that's what happens to a lot of people who become "born again" Christians. Oh sure, they make an effort to clean up. But ultimately, without the proper guidance, they descend back into the same old self-destructive habits--or worse, adopt new ones.
While I'm not pleased with Israel at the moment, I think it's a poor choice to imply that Gibson's anti-Jewish bigotry is even vaguely acceptable or understandable given current Israeli actions. I really wish people would stop conflating Israel and Jews - while Israel is a Jewish state, not all Jews are Israeli, nor do we necessarily support Israel's actions.
Girl, go get that money back...
Criticism of Israel and anti-semitism are two different things, but people conflate them all the time. This troubled individual, for instance, seemed incapable of drawing that distinction. This is close to home for me, as a friend of mine was working there Friday when it all went down.
And, to be fair, I think Romney was using the term to refer to a sticky situation from which it is difficult to extricate oneself. Like when somebody says something stupid in a public forum and then later has to retract it with a hasty and not-very convincing apology. He probably didn't want to use the word "quagmire" because he thought it might offend somebody.
I read the article concerning Romney's quote and then his subsequent explanation.
I can't believe that he actually tried to play it off by saying that he didn't know that the term "tar baby" would be offensive to some people.
I see that he was speaking to 100 of his supporters. He just didn't think that his comments would be leaked to "some people."
Gibson blew a .12 which, while over the limit for driving, ain't all that drunk. A buzz is more like it. Something else was goin' on to make him say that stupid shit. Unless he just wanted to unload on the cops cuz he got caught. Either way, he's an asshole.
Wow. I've been less than sober many a time, but i've yet to engage in viciously anti-semitic rhetoric because of this.
guess i gotta watch out for those nasty side-effects.
You got me fired up. I had to write my own opinion. I'm off to bed.
Romney may be a racial bigot, but I don’t think his use of the term “tar baby” proves it. I don’t think this comment rises to the same level as the anti Semitic remarks made by Gibson. I read the Uncle Remus tales in elementary school back in the 50s and didn’t perceive the tar baby story to be particularly derogatory to black people. I think it is quite possible to be unaware of the possible offense that could be taken by his use of this term. I offer this link from Random House that while it mildly suggests that people might want to avoid using the term it gives a rational definition for its origin.
Now perhaps I'm asking to get thrown in the briar patch here, but...
The Big Dig -- in fact, pretty much anything run by the graft-aganza that is public works funding in the Northeast -- seems to me to be a very good example of 'an inextricable problem or situation,' though perhaps not 'something used to entrap a person.' I'm not a particular fan of Romney's, mind you; he is exactly the kind of Christabigot political opportunist that is ruining our democracy. It is a pity if the phrase is too poisoned by the other definition to be worthy of much polite usage (a verbal Confederate flag of sorts, perhaps?). But if throwing out this baby with that bathwater removes a little more racism from our culture, I guess I'm okay with that. I hope, however, that Brer Terrypin can still hang out?
RBL...yeah, tar baby is unrecoverable.
I like to think of it like this...if you have a fantabulous apple and you accidently drop the apple in a shit filled toilet, you may still have an apple but it's just not the same anymore.
Some folks like to think that you can wash that apple off and still eat it...but a bitch favors tossing it in the compost file of history as a reminder of how language/fruit can be corrupted.
As to Romney not understanding the negative usage...mayhap the question is not did he but why didn't he? If he didn't...he's as out of touch with the history of the African in America as I suspect. If he did...he's a fucked up shit who needs to fold up those Presidential aspirations and go back to private practice.
Mayhpa a bitch will elaborate on that further at a later time...
In vino, veritas. Indeed!
I have to wonder what Little Mel grew up with, in that his father Hutton is notorious anti-Semite and Holocaust-denier. One can't grow up with that shit and not be influenced by it.
Not that it excuses the behavior.
As for Mitt "Song of the South" Romney: I am speechless.
Tony Snow used "tar-baby" recently as well. Do these dudes need a lesson in what constitutes stupid language?
Didn't Tony Snow get into a brouhaha over the same expression a few weeks ago? Are you going to tell me that Romney missed that one and failed to note that the expression is derogatory? Either he's stupid or incredibly insensitive, he can choose which.
You rule! And that's all there is to it!
Clearly there NEEDS to be some sort of manual of things you cannot say in front of an open mic for fear of setting off a shit storm, cause these mofos just dont seem to get it...
but more importantly... anyone know who THIS guy is???
Tar baby is a totally inappropriate phrase in the 21st century," said Larry Jones, a black Republican and civil rights activist.
Black Republican AND Civil Rights activist?
Thats kinda like pimp and thats a bad example..
dentist and proctologist, yeah...thats better.
That apple analogy is apt. I just quoted that and linked to you. There are a lot of apples ready for composting, no?
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