Today is my older brother Bill's birthday!
He is 36 years young today.
Too often autism is seen as a childhood disease. Makes sense, because most families find the early years the most challenging. But a bitch has always found the future daunting…the what’s next that looms over that hill on the horizon for my brother.
What will 40…50…and, Gawd willing, 60 bring for Bill? The questions linger even as a bitch prepares to celebrate 36 years of a world made better by Bill being in it.
For all the worry…for all the sleepless nights relieved only by giving all it all over to the Devine One…for all the pain of separation and the guilt of my 20’s…for all the anxiety over a state government and system that makes is so hard to just be a sister…for all the medical uncertainties and the paperwork and bullshit meetings…
For all of that, there is an unbreakable bond…contagious laughter…joy at a long lazy drive by the river and the blessing that is my brother in my life.
For all the drama there is love.
Happy Birthday Bill!
Happy birthday, Bill. May it be a blessed new life year for you.
I hope your brother had a blast of a birthday!
Happy day, Bill! I too have an autistic brother named Bill, a ward of the state who's going to turn 64 at the end of this month. He recently had to have all his teeth removed and got a full set of dentures, a difficult enough adjustment for anyone but nearly devastaing to him. Yeah, the hardships and joys never do let up.
Are those cupcakes for *real*? They're beautiful!!!
Who could not help but have the best birthday on the planet with a sister who comes up with gorgeous tasty baubles like those?
I do hope you treated him to McD's and whatever the heck else he wanted to do!
Happy Belated B-Day, Bill! We Cancerian Moonchildren rock!
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