Pollen can kiss my congested ass.

Anyhoo, this bitch has been pondering the news that a certain Congressman Roy Blunt adopted a little boy from Russia. Roy Blunt is the father of Missouri Governor Matt Blunt, who recently had a little bundle of joy with his fashion challenged wife Bunny.
Well, congratulations...
...but a bitch is curious about some shit regarding this adoption. Non-Missourians should know that Missouri is in the midst of a massive anti-choice assault. Certain Missouri law makers are attempting to remove sex education from the classroom…limit reproductive freedom…and generally force Missourians to use abstinence as the only acceptable form of contraception.
The constant thread among anti-Choice groups in Missouri has been that adoption is the option. When lawmakers introduced legislation to ban abortions in Missouri even in the case of incest and/or rape, adoption was again mentioned as the option.
So, a bitch received the news that Matt Blunt’s 56 year old father secured an adoption from Russia through a Texas-based adoption agency with some confusion.
Why not utilize a Missouri agency?
There are several. Here! How about this one or, better yet, this one.
Why not choose from one of Missouri's beautiful little bundles of unplanned joy?
What kind of message does this send to Missourians?
A conservative anti-Choice Missouri lawmaker...a Texas agency...and a Russian baby.
Well, shit. It appears that choice is still on the table for Congressman Blunt and his new wife…even as his party moves to eliminate it for the masses.
Way to lead by example!
Damn. I read just last week about the tax credit law in Misouri where if one donates to an entity that does not provide abortion services, they get some sort of tax break. What the fuck is going on here?!
As for adoption, that's a button pusher for me, having spent years working with kids in foster care waiting to be adopted, I am constantly sickened every time I hear, see or read about people going outside the country for fresh white babies...I can tell you dozens of tales of incredible kids right here who would give anything to go "home"
"private" agencies are more often than not run by religiously based groups, and while well meaning (in finding unwanted kids anywhere a home) do have an agenda. I worked for one of those, too, and never fit in...too much of a blaspheming heathen, I guess.
I do a radio show here in FL (WPRK 91.5 FM www.wprkdj.org to listen weds 7-9 pm est) and try to round up all the shit I can find on women's health care issues, in between the Clash, Blues Magoos and whatnot, and it is enough to cause me to stroke out 90% of the time lately. I keep trying to tell men, you're next, better quit that murderous wanking right quick!
Damn. I read just last week about the tax credit law in Misouri where if one donates to an entity that does not provide abortion services, they get some sort of tax break. What the fuck is going on here?!
As for adoption, that's a button pusher for me, having spent years working with kids in foster care waiting to be adopted, I am constantly sickened every time I hear, see or read about people going outside the country for fresh white babies...I can tell you dozens of tales of incredible kids right here who would give anything to go "home"
"private" agencies are more often than not run by religiously based groups, and while well meaning (in finding unwanted kids anywhere a home) do have an agenda. I worked for one of those, too, and never fit in...too much of a blaspheming heathen, I guess.
I do a radio show here in FL (WPRK 91.5 FM www.wprkdj.org to listen weds 7-9 pm est) and try to round up all the shit I can find on women's health care issues, in between the Clash, Blues Magoos and whatnot, and it is enough to cause me to stroke out 90% of the time lately. I keep trying to tell men, you're next, better quit that murderous wanking right quick!
Good points all. Let's NOT hold our collective breath waiting for a response from BluntBoy...
Choice is always still on the table for those fortunate to be able to afford it. I'm right in the middle of fighting the LA legislature in this same shit. I feel your pain.
Un-fucking-believable. Great post.
First ABB, I wanted to say that I love your very creative thread title. The smile it brought to my face was wiped away reading about the actions of the congressman from Missouri. Certainly an odd confluence of events that led to the adoption of his son.
What does it say about the state that he represents?
Sounds like the people of Missouri need to stop taking hits from Blunt(s).
I love you, ABB, and I read your posts often...but as an adoptive mother of a little boy from Russia (one of 700,000 in orphanages over there, not to mention the 2 MILLION street children) I have to say this was a little heartbreaking to read.
It's not "us" (kids in foster care in the US) vs. "them" (healthy white babies in Russia). No ma'am. Not at all. And so often it's put that way but people WHO HAVEN'T ADOPTED ANY CHILDREN AT ALL.
My husband and I were not willing to navigate the foster care system after 5 miscarriages in 2 years only to have a baby taken away...and private agencies told us we were unattractive because we already had a child.
I don't really know anything about this congressman and his family, but I, for one, think adopting a child who otherwise would've grown up in an orphanage, only to be kicked out at 16 with no job skills and no education, is actually a good thing.
--A mom
Good for you, ABB. I saw that bit of news in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and had a bit of dyspepsia - but haven't yet set up a blog to be the local AWB.
How many ways is this just obnoxious? Russian white infant instead of needy whatever-race Missouri child, Papa Roy's second trophy wife, about 20 years younger (ie, same age as children by first wife), suspicion on my part of motivation to have a campaign prop in the face of serious corruption charges (the possibility of being pulled down by the Abramoff affair, lobbyist new wifey and concomitant special additions to unrelated bill to favor wifey's client large tobacco company, etc). I am sure I could think up others.
St. Louis, Misery
To A Mom...
A bitch shares your thoughts on adoption, but the Congressman does not fall in the same category as you do.
My indictment of Congressman Blunt comes from his hypocritical bullshit based behavior...the 'do as I dictate and not as I do' policy he and his cronies enforce...the fact that Missouri has too many babies in need of families and the current conservative policy push would only add to that number while doing nothing to unite those chil'ren in forever homes.
A bitch congratulates you on your choice and your child...and my work is dedicated to preserving choice and the application of planned parenting for all adults.
Thanks for that ABB, and I should've said I agree 100% with your comments on choice and I am completely alarmed by the very scary anti-reproductive rights movement afoot...but I want to make a point about adoption.
It is a huge commitment to adopt any child, and when you decide to do this it's really important to figure out what is the *very best* way to add to your family. I'm sure ABB and her readers would agree with me that for a white family in this country it is a tremendous responsibility to adopt a child who is not white. Tremendous. And not one that should be taken on because one feels like they should be politically correct. I am not ashamed of the fact that as a white woman I've adopted a white baby. It ain't PC, but it's true.
There are millions of children in the world who need homes. Millions. Of all races, ages, special needs, etc. I challenge ABB's readers to take some in. If I truly were "upper-class" I'd have 3 or 4 more by now.
My husband and I chose a child who shares the same race as us. We went to Russia because it was fast (7 months) and because we were guaranteed a child at the end of it. What is wrong with that?
A mom
Whoa, Ms. Hodgepodge. Just whoa.
While it's true that some adoptive parents out there might be looking to Russia and other foreign countries to get their hands on some white baby butt, I think it's pretty paranoid to think that they're all doing it to "avoid parenting a black child." I know a lot of families who have gone with the foreign adoption option out of simple fear that they will not be able to maintain custody if a birth mom changes her mind. I can only imagine that kind of heartbreak.
People who choose to adopt are helping children. Period. It doesn't really matter to me whether they are helping Russian children or American children. All kids deserve a chance, and if someone is willing to give it to them, I'm all for it.
I appreciate ABB's original post because it's pointing out the hypocrisy, but I think some of the comments have just gone OTT.
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