A bitch is feeling illish is taking the rest of the day off from bitchitude to indulge in misery and self pity.
If they can do a face transplant, why can’t they give me some non-sneezing motherfucker’s sinuses?
So many of you have shared condolences and support after the death of my beloved brother Bill from COVID-19. I wish I could thank you indiv...
Hey there woman... I'm back and your blog is the first I checked. HOpe you're feeling better. And if not, why not check out a Neti pot? I use mine when my sinuses are kickin'. Takes some getting used to, but it's worth it!
Buuut, they just arrested Rush Limbaugh!
sign me up for that surgery!
Did you ever get that Dr's appt? Maybe your sinuses have some sort of inflammation/infection that requires prescription meds. I've been reading long enough to know you love the Sudafed ;-), but maybe you need something a little stronger or of a different type. Just my ruminations, as I hate to hear that you've been under the weather so long.
feel better soon!
I hope you feel better, boo...No more misery, ok???
I feel so sorry for you with those allergies. The only cure, alas, is going somewhere else, and I guess that would be difficult for you.
My advice: stay away from steroids. They will eventually kill you. I do not exaggerate. Drs. will tell you steroids are OK. But Drs. are full of shit.
I would like to have stainless steel tubes installed in my head, replacing my faulty sinuses. With tiny valves I can turn in case I need a clearing.
Neti pot will help. As will never, ever touching your eyes. Get well soon.
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