Seems like a good time for a bitchfirmation for my damn self!

Shark-Fu’s Birthday Bitchfirmation to Herself...
Go and walk without fear on the path of history.
Speak in a strong voice for those who were denied the opportunity and so no one will ever be denied it again.
Be fierce, defiant and proud...ever mindful that your inheritance is the result of struggle.
Go on, with your bad self...GO ON (wink)!
And be true to thyself, always.
I wish happiness and joy to all y’all on this my 35th year of keeping shit real…
Happy Birthday to you and Many More!
Happy Birthday!!!! ;)
Happy b-day! :)
Happy birthday! :)
Aw damn, and you are still young too!
Take me back to 35... please.
go on with your bad self, shark-fu! hope your birthday brings joy and righteous bitchitude ;)
Happy Birthday! And may you miss these flippin' hot flashes and memory loss I've got once you hit your 40s!
Happy birthday, Ms. Shark-Fu!
may you have the happiest of birthdays ABB. 35 rocks!
Happiest of birthdays, Ms. Fu!
Happy Natal Day, and thanks for the 'tude! I am glad I found your blog.
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, Shark-Fu! May you continue to rock in the coming year.
(conga beat) Happy, happy, birth-DAY! Happy, happy, birth-DAY! (/conga)
Unlike Kona, I would not want to be 35 again. There were too many unpleasant surprises ahead. Like: Whaddaya mean, the cancer's not gone?
Quite happy to be almost 11 years older now. Also happy the kids are that much older, too!
Happy Birthday & Many Happy Returns! :)
I hope your weekend is filled with happiness, the people you love and an ample supply of vodka crans. You go girl! I will toast you will a nice glass of sweet rich aged port:)
You have me beat by a few months.
That makes me feel a little bit better.
Happy Birthday....
In my sexyist song voice possible:
Happy Birthday Shark Fu,
Happy birthday to you!
And many more...
Happy belated! I only pretend to be 35, but you're the real thing. Then--you always have been.
And happiness and joy to you also!
Happy Birthday!
Hail, child of Pisces! Happy (belated) Birthday!
I'm a little late to the party, but happy birthday!
How lucky are WE the world to have someone as wise beyond your years and so dedicated to all things reality based..Shark - Fu HAPPY HAPPY birthday MONTH ! - sister gal you are a being in my world, that makes my heart happier knowing you exist and flourish ! - YOU ARE A GIFT TO ALL OF US
MUCH LOVE DEAR ONE to you and yours..and to Bill too ! pizza party yeah baby !
- proggie
A belated happy birthday from moi!
I'm late for Everybody's birthday. Anyway...tanjoubi omedetou.
Read you everyday! Happy Birthday to someone I have never met but truly is one of the smartest and kindest! You empower me and inform me daily! Many happy returns! The Queen of Winstead
Coming in late, happy birthday!
Happy 35th turn around the sun!
Happy belated birthday to one of the best bitches in the world.
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