Keeping it real moment of the day so far (while getting ballots)…

Sistah Girl Student #1… “I need to vote, please!”
Poll volunteer, after handing over ballot… “Oh, don’t forget your sticker!”
Sistah Girl Student #1 (SGS#1)… “Cool!”
Poll volunteer, gesturing to SGS#1’s pregnant tummy… “And take another sticker for the future voter on the way.”
SGS#1, with a HUGE smile on her face… “Thank you!”
She pulled up her sweater and stuck the extra I Voted! sticker on her swollen stomach.
Toodles for now!
Polls open in Chi-town at 6:00. Dearly Beloved staggers out of bed at 5:58, flips on coffee pot, pulls on sweats and stumbles out the door. I get up at 6:02, pour 2 to-go mugs of coffee, pull on jeans, sneaks, and baseball cap (screw the bra - I have a coat on) and follow scant moments later. Our polling place is around the corner and there's already a line... but I hand the DB her coffee and we chat with neighbors until our turn at demonstrative democracy. I LOVE Voting Day!
Great News!
Ann Coulter is with US!
With her on Our Side, how could we possibly lose?
I am sending good thoughts to the voter and future voter!!!
Very awesome!!!
Causing change in two generations! How wonderful.
I voted last week. But my state gets no delegates. But that is OK, it is not like Florida delegates ever mattered anyway. Getting to vote when voting matters is a good trade off there.
I picked Obama. I was going to go for Edwards, but changed my mind. I like the guy. He speaks well and his message is very positive. I think it is important for a President to be an excellent speaker. Republicans do not think this way.
As I was leaving my polling place at the local elementary school, I got cheers and applause from all the little kids waiting to go to class. I got a bit choked up. There's hope for the future!
absolutely priceless.
makes this heart just buzz w/ joy.
That's just too adorable.
Let's hear it for voting.
That gave me happy tears. Thanks.
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