Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Love ya Albuquerque!

Last week this bitch went to Albuquerque and I adored it!

The mountains were captivating…the food was the very definition of yummified goodness…and the diversity of culture was fascinating. As a matter of fact this culture buff could spend a month in Albuquerque and not be satisfied!

Anyhoo, New Mexico impressed the hell out of me.

And my allergies disappeared too (wink)!

This bitch will definitely be going back…


Barry Ingram said...

Now you've got that Elton John song going through my head. Must . . find . . . a . . . MP3 . . so . . . I . . . can . . . remember . . . the . . . whole . . . song.

Anonymous said...

Glad you've discovered one of my Favorite Places in the Whole World. Albuquerque -- and Santa Fe and Taos even more so -- are really magical places somehow. Pretty much the only places I've ever been (sorry, St. Louis) that aren't on either coast that I would consider living. Awesome. So glad you had a good time. I'm envious -- it's been too long since I've been there.

LiberalDemDave said...

you would really die for taos (great artist community) and santa fe (all things cultural)... and the food in both places is da bomb.

Anonymous said...

Glad you liked it! It's my home town, and I'm pretty fond of it, too.h

GayProf said...

I am glad that you had a good time! New Mexico is the best place in the U.S. I often wonder why I left.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I love it there and try to go regularly.

I would disagree with the comparison to Taos and Santa Fe. They are great places in their own right. But for me, Abq has a much more diverse, laid back, friendly population with much less pretension. You can get a great meal, meet some wonderful new people, and explore for much less than a cup of coffee will cost you in the other two towns and I say this having attended one of the best art therapy workshops and dreaming about spending every morning watching the sun rise over the mountains behind the sculptures on the museum plaza in Santa Fe for years.

proudprogressive said...

Living here for 6 yrs now, upon my pre mature medical retirement I can tell you as well as the others have, it is a pretty neat place. And fact is, my condition has improved here vs.living in Bay Area in Cali. We got altitude and attitude here for sure.
No wonder all those hippies stayed after forming the communes in the 60's. Glad you enjoyed yourself Shark -Fu and come back soon !

One thing that NM residents regularly laugh about is how many people do not realize that NM is in the USA. The states population is delightfully diverse and chuck full of some genuine radicals,not all the hip pies sold out ..cough cough. Its also a great place to be left alone in peace,if thats your cup of tea. Its very spread out,beyond the "metropolitan" areas. One can find a niche that is right for them. Supposedly our LGBT residency rates are second only to San Francisco..me..I believe that.

On the down side we are also a nuclear capital of the country. sshhh ..we don't speak about that too too much. But many fight it tooth and nail. BushCo could have looked here for those WMDs. So ABB don't be a stranger and hell yeah to food is great !

Anonymous said...

NPR had a good piece a couple weeks ago about how New Mexicans are used to other Americans not knowing that it's a state. Very funny (if you can keep from crying about our countrymen's illiteracy!):


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