Thursday evening a bitch was at home and settling in. The dawgs were bra was off…cotton-based sleep wear was on.
I was just about to indulge in a vodka cran when a knock sounded upon our front door.
Now this bitch is not one to have folks just “drop by” so I was tempted to ignore it. Tempted but curiosity won out. I opened the blinds…yes, a bitch has become one of those people who peeks through blinds…mercy…and saw my neighbor, two young boys I didn’t recognize and a sorta-beagle.
Not Betsey the sorta-beagle, thank Gawd. No this was a slightly smaller toffee colored male version of Ms. Betsey.
Anyhoo, it seems that the young men rescued this non-Betsey sorta-beagle when they found him wandering the street. Their mother wasn’t having any parts of a new dawg in the house so they were walking around trying to find the owner. My neighbor, bless her heart, thought this new sorta-beagle looked enough like my sorta-beagle to warrant a knock on the door.
Well, it wasn’t Betsey. Even this bitch could see that he was definitely a he…though his “fixed” state did require an inspection to verify. Lawd! Post visual exam I asked the young men what they were going to do.
“I don’t know.” they replied.
This bitch then asked my neighbor what she was thinking about doing. Well, they have young chil’ren and a new puppy so taking on the task of a may be permanent but may very well be reunited quickly sorta-beagle wasn’t high on her list of must do thangs.
So this bitch now has another sorta-beagle.
He is micro-chipped, but the phone number associated with his chip number has been disconnected.
C-Money contacted the shelters but no hits so far. We’re going to post signs.
But what can I do other than treat this minified beagle mix as I would hope someone would treat Betsey?
So, we’ve already been to the vet…gotten shots and been checked out…which resulted in his being diagnosed with eye and ear infections. The worst of his dramas seems to be a weird back leg issue that our vet needs additional testing to diagnose. This new sorta-beagle doesn’t exactly have control of his back legs…they kind of go as they wish and he has trouble pushing off. He’s not in pain. He just walks funny as hell.
Anyhoo, I’m approaching this as a foster situation until it is clear his family can’t be located.
But we’ve named him Thelonious...Theo for short...just in case!
I'll post pictures if Theo officially becomes family.
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Wouldn't surprise me if the knee was some type of displaysia (a non-life threatening disorder).
Keep us posted on Theo!
Great name!
Yep -- do unto lost dogs as you would have those do unto yours. Or something like that. I hope if my "puppies" ever get lost, someone treats them as you have Theo.
I have 2 Labradogs (labmutts), both shelter adoptees. The newest is the oldest, we think he's about 8. They show more excitement when I come through that door than my own offspring -- can't ask for more than that.
Hope all goes well for Theo.
A good friend of mine had a lovely cat named Theloneus who she lost recently. Linda's Theloneus lived to a ripe old age -- may the name be as good for the small sorta-beagle.
ABB, you're a hopeless softy. God bless! And amen to your words about brothers newt and james (focus on your own damn family) dobson.
Theo! Fabulous!
Give your little (probably temporary) friend some love for me.
What a softy! Thanks for taking him in, even just temporarily.
It sounds like your new sorta-beagle might have hip displaysia or knee issues which are ridiculously expensive. Here are some groups to contact if he does need a surgery and you need help with the bill:
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