Friday, February 23, 2007


Lawd, a bitch has dined my way through this birthday and loved every single minute!

My Play Husband and Brother Rob Thurman took this bitch out to dinner at Terrene on Sarah.

Let me tell you, that meal was a party in my mouth (wink).


And today this bitch had lunch at Sweetie Pie’s on Manchester (oh, the joy)!

I’m so overly full, but there’s left over cake…ugh.

Moving forward…slowly and in desperate need of a nap…

Speaking of food…it’s Girl Scout Cookie Time!
A bitch read the news that the Girl Scouts are cutting trans fats and was once again proud to have been a Girl Scout.

Way to lead by example!


Does that mean I can eat two boxes of Thin Mints now?

Just asking.


Anonymous said...

Heck, I'd eat two boxes of thin mints without less fat!

Ant Annie

Jeffrey Ricker said...

Stay tuned for Thin Mints ice cream, honey. Mikey has some plans for cookie-based yumminess when he gets his hands on them.

Justice said...

Good Gawd, thin mints! Now I am going to have to go knock off my neighborhood girl scout!

Anonymous said...

This cracks me up about Thin Mints. I keep on telling people....Thin Mints IS the cookie equivalent of crack.

You can't eat just 1, 2 or even 5. If you get through without eating a half-sleeve, I congratulate you.

evilganome said...

I got ambushed by the brats in the lobby at work. Went back to the office clutching 2 boxes, One Thin Mints one box of the ones that used to be called Samoas. I inhaled about 5 in total and then foisted the rest off on anyone stupid enough to walk by my desk.

evilganome said...

Almost forgot. Happy Birthday!

Maven said...

This reminds me... I ordered up about four boxes of GS Thin Mints... they're fab frozen, btw.

Gotta hide them. Have I shared that I have to hide certain foods from the hubby? If he sees me eating something to treat myself, he thinks I've made it a staple in my diet. Sheesh!


PissedOffPencil said...

A very belated Happy Birthday wish from me! I'm very, very sorry I missed your 34th day of joy. I'll even spank myself about it.

Deech said...

I heard that the Samoa's actually reduce your calorie count.LOL


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