Molly gave us fire, emotion and a challenge to get off our apathetic asses and fulfill our role in this thing called America. Molly Ivins issued that challenge through her work to every one of us.
She gave us “we are the deciders” and I think to add…unless.
Unless we prefer the struggle to be short rather than productive, are prepared to settle for the sorry assed imitation of American democracy and are a nation of rhetoric rather than action more in love with the language of patriotism than actually being patriotic.
We are the deciders...we the people…unless.
Unless we are too scared to speak our minds, challenge bullshit and articulate our needs to those elected to represent us. Unless we let our role of holding elected officials accountable rot like neglected fruit on the vine.
We are the most important ingredient in this democratic recipe.
The bread don’t rise without us, people...it just don’t!
We must remember that we are in charge…unless.
Unless we are motivated by fear rather than faith…unless we respond to corruption with flaccid apathy and the seizure of power from the people by the Executive with whispers rather than shouts.
I thank Molly Ivins for living her values, for the challenge and so much more.
May this sister be blessed and may her family, friends and fans find inspiration rather than sorrow as we remember her remarkable life.
I had a vision of Ann Richards greeting Molly at the Pearly Gates. "Here's a cold drink and a plate of barbeque, Ivins. Pull up a cloud and enjoy the view. You won't believe what a show it really is..."
As well as pulling up a barstool with Ann, I also hope she is being reunited with her dog named Shit :)
She is one of my heroes!
thanks for the tribute. she was a badass. and in remembrance, one of my favs: http://www.alternet.org/blogs/video/42585
The world won't seem the same without Molly in it.
She was one of my (few) heroes.
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