One of my new pairs of eyeglasses is in, y'all. I’m jumping into Miss Sistah Girl Cabrio to pick them up at lunch! This bitch hopes they are the funktified pair (as you may recall, my ass took advantage of the buy one get one free deal), because a bitch wants to debut them at The Dresden Dolls concert tomorrow at The Pageant.
A bitch’s tastes are very diverse (wink).
This bitch’s outfit will be the shit no matter what, but I want those new eyeglasses as a finishing touch.
Moving forward…
I was planning to write about the breaking news that just keeps on breaking out of North Korea and how the Dear Leader is now expressing regret over going nuclear after having been told to chill their ass out by China.
A bitch is curious about that shit. My ass is having a hard time buying the party line (wink) that China had no idea and that the Hermit Kingdom would defy the world. That just doesn’t pass the smell test. Seems to this bitch that North Korea got the bargaining power that comes with nuclear capabilities…and China was able to establish that they are the only country capable of reasoning with them.
A bitch is still mulling this shit over.
Anyhoo, that international shit is on hold…because a bitch just read this and has to do a happiness and joy dance in my work-based area!

Fraggle Rock is being made into a movie!
Oh, it gets better.
Pause to maintain drama.
Ahmet Zappa is developing it into a full length musical spectacular featuring the founding Fraggles in all their magnificent Fraggle-based glory!
Oh shit…oh, my Gawd!
Give a bitch a second.

This is fantastically fabulous news…fan-fucking-tabulous even!
Mmmmhmmm, a bitch is doing a sharktastic dance about my work area whilst singing...
Dance your cares away…worry's for another day…let the music play…down at Fraggle Rock!
Mokie and Red are dancing for joy at the Fraggle news. "Down at Fraggle Rock..."
Re: Korea & China...
once again a bitch is right on target...(oops no pun intended), it definately smells like some devilish shit at that.....
and YEAH ....Fraggle Rock RULES!!!!
I've heard that the Dresden Dolls are really amazing live. Hope you have a good time!
The Dresden Dolls are awesome--enjoy!
I wanted to see the Dresden Dolls, but can't. Let me know if they perform "Coin Operated Boy." That song rocks. hmmmm....I wonder what the Fraggles would sound like doing it....
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