...before this bitch addresses the recent news out of Durham, my ass has some follow-up shit to say regarding yesterday’s post.
This bitch is a firm believer in analyzing and understanding events and policies. If something goes wrong my ass thinks it should be studied to learn from that mistake. My political critiques are as much for my own educational experience and growth as for the sheer fun of bitchitude.
And this bitch believes that there is a vast bullshit based conspiracy out in the world to promote apathy and discourage action.
Mmmmhmmm, a bitch is serious as a motherfucker about this.
A bitch is talking about shit like those subtle hints posted on this blog that go on and on about how 'it just doesn’t matter' and how we all know that politics is corrupt so why bother trying to address the fucktitude within the system and why don’t we all just go out, have a cocktail and look down our elite liberal noses at the poor pathetic masses that are too stupid to know better.
Yeah, that shit.
A bitch doesn’t care if they claim to be liberal. They are, in fact, very dangerous and may even be a deliberate plot to pander to our intellectual ego (and we all have one) with the hope that we will grow weary of the struggle, abandon the causes that matter to us, grab that cocktail and let the whole mess go to shit.
This bitch doesn’t trust that shit for a second.
Why care? Because politics is local and impacts every single thing in your life! Every single motherfucking thing. This bitch doesn't have the luxury of apathy and neither do most of you.
Why analyze and critique? Because elected officials in all branches of government work for you…regardless of their party affiliation. You just did your taxes, which is the citizen’s equivalent of writing a fucking paycheck.
Your vote? Oh, hell yes…that shit matters. Just look at how aggressively the man tried to keep it from women and minorities…how they went to great lengths to break up organized labor and any political organizing that educated groups and registered the masses. No one fights that hard to deny an individual something that does not matter.
People died for your right to vote and this bitch has no time or patience with deadbeat citizens who willfully hand over the power of the vote by failing to utilize it.
And we all…every one of us…need to cease looking around for the great leader…for a political Messiah who will appear to lead the citizens to the great liberal promised land.
The power and the responsibility of the political process are ours. It’s time to take a long hard look at the citizen in the mirror.
This bitch feels the frustration, but wonders if those in power do. If we fall silent, they never will.
So keep those eyes wide open…raise that fist in the air…and participate in the process, be a part of the policy making process and reclaim this shit together.
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This line "...'it just doesn’t matter' and how we all know that politics is corrupt so why bother trying to address the fucktitude within the system..." hit me STRONG.
These are the same type of folks who stick their heads in the sand and see nothing wrong with the erosion of our Constitutional rights, especially our right to privacy (thanks to the U*S*A*P*A*T*R*I*O*T*A*C*T*), or thinking foolishly that the First Amendment is to ensure POPULAR SPEECH (which at the moment is neo-con babble).
(To them) It's easier to ignore it, or worse, deny that it exists, than to do something. And it's amazing that doing the simplest thing, CASTING A VOTE, seems to be such a big effort, yet so many folks choose not to do it.
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt...
Amen, hallelujah, and I reiterate my offer to have your babies.
And this bitch believes that there is a vast bullshit based conspiracy out in the world to promote apathy and discourage action.
Mmmmhmmm, a bitch is serious as a motherfucker about this.
You are so, so right! And part of the conspiracy operates to keep anyone who sees how it is working from talking about it by ridiculing "conspiracy-theorists" as crazy. I am proud to be crazy. We need to keep talking/shouting/ranting against apathy as well as evil. And we need to act.
I want to have that cocktail and get out the vote. Is that wrong?
you inspired me. i'd love to hear your comments at findingavalon3.blogspot about my brown crayon post.
you keep preaching and i'll keep raising my fist in the air!
Preach it baby!
I am your fan from now on.
Personally I don't understand folks who just let stuff happen without objecting to it. What are they so afraid of? I refuse to have my right of free speech taken from me and will fight to the death to preserve it. What are they going to do? Kill me? Well, a life without freedom isn't worth living any goddamned way. As my mama used to say, They can kill me, but they can't me.
ABB! You know I love you! Can you feel the love? MMMMMMmhhhhmMMMMM.
Preach on!
RBL here,
(clapping from the gallery)
Hear, hear!
i just really, really love you!
xoxo, jared
Conspiracy. Makes it sound like there's a smoky back room where all the bad guys meet up . . . which sounds crazy . . . except for the GOP headquarters in Florida . . .
But if we change "conspiracy" to "strategy" it stops sounding crazy. There's not a manifesto; there's a business plan. There's not a smoky back room; there are many brightly-lit board rooms. There's not one mastermind orchestrating the scheme; there are hundreds of little schemes being perpetrated by little men and women who have come up with similar ideas, or who have learned the various schemes from one another.
It's like advertising - people keep doing it because it works. It's inherently immoral, thus immoral people are likely to do it.
I really needed to read this today.
Thank you!
I'm witcha all the way...
Wise words from a wise woman. Thank you for calling out the conspiracy theorists and the apathetic. I read a leftie political blog the other day, a mainstream one, and I was positively embarrassed by the conspiracy theories abounding in the comments section. (shudder)
Your voice is a fire so strong that it lights flames that others try to extinguish. Keep the inspiration flowing and we'll keep being inspired to go out there and make a difference.
Lots of love from the D (Detroit). Ok I'm actually studying abroad in Brazil right now so lots of love from here too!Raising a fist that spans oceans and is destined to change worlds.
ABB can i tell you how much I appreciate this thread? I just had a conversation the other day with a young coworker..."voting is bad, voting is a waste of time politics is too corrupt...we're starting our own group, but we won't be tained by the evil that is politics, we won't even be political, we'll just chant and talk about how much everything sucks..." I WANTED TO SCREAM. That's what they want us to think. That's how a few million evangelical christians have been able to dominate our government...they run candidates for school board, they raise money, they make their voices heard all the time on every issue, they lobby, they organize, they work at it--and not just every 4 years.
I'm not saying getting involved in local politics is easy, i'm not saying it's fun, sometimes i can't stand it but i still work on it. Can't give in.
Go, A Bitch! You kick ass!
It's a pleasure to lurk here.
The level of bullshit is incredible out there and we need as many of us calling it what it is without apology.
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