That didn’t sit very well with me. True, a bitch is in this struggle and I have the war wounds to prove it (wince). But should we be defined by what we are against?
I think not!
My ass finds my empowerment by examining what the hell I’m fighting for.
I’m not against tax cuts. I’m for tax policies that relieve the burden currently resting on the shoulders of workers.

I’m not against national security. I’m for defending this nation and our laws by upholding the very values worthy of defense – that we do not torture because it is wrong, un-American and counter-productive…that we will not casually hand over the civil liberties blood was shed to gain.
I’m not against free enterprise. I’m for a living wage, safe and affordable housing, equal education, building a healthcare policy that is pro-human and erring on the side of decency rather than grotesque profit.
When this bitch gets up into the face of power and advocates on behalf of reproductive choice it is for something…for reproductive freedom, medical privacy, affordable exams and medication, knowledge-based comprehensive sex education and for every one of my students who has ever looked at me and said what the hell are you going to do about this mess.
When I got to PROMO’s Lobby Day on March 26 (blatant plug…find more info here…wink) it will be in support of something…of equal protection and opportunity under law. I’ll join many of the my fellow Missourians and advocate for passage of laws that protect all students from bullying and hate, all Missourians from job discrimination and all Missourians from a crusade that wants suffering to be the wages of difference and oppression to be the penalty for open expression of that difference.
And when a bitch speaks of the need to allocate money for programs that benefit the mentally ill and developmentally challenged, fund Medicaid so that it works for and not against people, support treatment programs with the same passion with which some support jails…all of that is for something.
For my country.
For my community.
For my family and my friends.
So, let’s not lose sight of what we are fighting for…why politics matters now more than ever…and why those who would have our vote must be worthy of it, respect it and achieve it.
What for?
For all of that shit and more…
This post made my day, just reading it made me feel more powerful. What a great reminder to every day fight for good values rather than against bad ones. I am taking this to the bank. Thanks ABB!
Excellent, excellent piece. Never forget what we are fighting for. Less moaning and bitching and more about who we are and what we expect. I did a piece on what Obama should not forget about the burden he carries. Burden for things - race, America, world, him, me. All the things that hope stands for - something positive to look forward to. And not just a better "cleaner" version of yesterday.
" True, a bitch is in this struggle and I have the war wounds to prove it (wince). But should we be defined by what we are against?"
That's a good point. For me, I'm so diverse in picking my battles. But when it comes down to it, it's usually for the betterment of ALL black women.
Ouch, aww, damn,
Thanks, I needed that.
I think I just stood 3 inches taller! So right & the burden is a heavy carry for all ppls.
Yes, and yes, and yes!
Thank you!
Damn! I had to hold onto my work desk to prevent myself from raising my fist and shouting "Right On!"
Thank you! That was a wonderful post and something I so needed to see after reading too much crazy negativity.
Many a forefather (and mother) died defending the great civil rights we have in this country, and if we have to hand over those rights so BushCo can listen to our phone calls and torture info out of U.S. citizens in order to prevent some of us from being killed, then I say NO WAY! If that means we're risking the lives of our families and children to keep our civil rights, I say what was good enough for our hallowed patriot heroes is good enough for Americans today. Lady liberty, stick the torch of freedom where the sun don't shine (right up BushCheneyCo's behind!)
Wonderful. The infighting in the Democratic race is tearing us apart. This is tragic. We need to keep the message positive. We're on the same side, so let's stop damaging each other.
And let's also stop demanding perfection of each other but just understand that we are working to make things better, each in our own way.
Tell it!
Not to take away from such a powerful post (as if I could), but I can't help but notice that each of those things that you (and I!) are for are things that currently don't obtain here. In other words, we are for that which is not, a state of mind that can also be described as being against... well, everything our dear President and the forces of money, fear and oppression he represents stand for.
Whether it's described as a positive or negative mindset, it's still about the c-word.
Great thoughts! So glad to hear it articulated.
a most excellent "What for"!
check it out:
The world's 50 most powerful blogs
Congratulation! ... see #47
totally, Bitch. every goddam word.
Vive le revolution!
regarding Theo - when he first arrived at your door - you said you'd post a picture if he became a permanent resident.
I'm for beagles, dogs, strays of all kinds - and for giving safe harbor to the unexpected stranger in the 'hood.
So - time for a picture yet? Betsey is the beginning and the end of cute. That's right.
Mother Teresa said she would not attend an anti-war protest, but a pro-peace demonstration.
I lerve you.
I just arrived here via the Guardian... as a smart, 40-year-old biracial woman, I am very glad to have found the wisdom of your words. I look forward to more and to perusing your past posts.
OMG, I am actually moved to tears by your post.
"For my country.
For my community.
For my family and my friends.
So, let’s not lose sight of what we are fighting for…why politics matters now more than ever…and why those who would have our vote must be worthy of it, respect it and achieve it.
What for?
For all of that shit and more…"
That's the gawdamn truth here, people, and every one of us reading here cannot let someone else take care of the heavy lifting. As a reminder: "My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right." People tend to forget the second part.
I'm printing this out and posting it next to my desk. Thanks for the great reminder of what we're fighting for.
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