Let’s just jump right on in, shall we?
A WWJD Pondering...
A bitch calls bullshit on this move pulled by none other

St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke resigned from the Cardinal Glennon Hospital Foundation board because Sheryl Crow is performing at the Bob Costas fundraiser to benefit Cardinal Glennon this Saturday.
Non-locals should know that Cardinal Glennon is a children’s hospital and Bob Costas has a fundraiser every year to raise money to help the wee little babies & chil’ren who are treated there.

Archbishop Burke hates Sheryl Crow (a Missouri native) because Ms. Crow is pro-choice and supported the stem cell research initiative in Missouri last year.
A bitch is pretty sure Sheryl could give a shit about Archbishop Burke despite his apparent obsession with her and her opinions.
Local radio was buzzing about the “good Catholic” and “bad Catholic” thing, but this bitch isn’t Catholic…so my mind went straight to the ‘what the fuck is this dude trying to say?’ angle.
Archbishop Burke issued a statement in which he described Crow's planned appearance as "an affront to the identity and mission of the medical center, dedicated as it is to the service of life and Christ's healing mission."

His opinion appears to be that supporting the event is supporting “sin” because one of the performers has expressed views that differ from Catholic teachings.
But Billy Crystal is also going to be there and a bitch is pretty sure his views don't jive with all manner of Catholic teachings.
Hell, Bob Costas is the main man behind the event and he’s divorced from his first wife.

He’s since remarried.
…which should have had Burke up in arms months ago since he’s all about protecting traditional man on woman fluid exchanging only in the hope of creating life and never to be torn asunder marriage…right?

But it appears that Archbishop Burke is selectively offended and full to bursting with bullshit.
Why hit the breaks at Sheryl Crow?
Well, Burke is trying to rustle up a wedge issue or two on the stem cell research and abortion issues amongst the faithful…just like that move to deny communion to those who didn’t vote the ‘good Catholic” vote was about turning out anti-choice votes.
Lawd have mercy, a bitch just had a vivid mental image of Archbishop Burke lurking outside of the Fabulous Fox Theatre with a digital camera to document all those “bad Catholics” in attendance tomorrow night!
Talk about putting a new spin on WWJD...
The Archbishop is a hypocrite, therin lies the truth.
ABB, you're one of my most fav reads so I tagged you with a "Thinking Blog" award on my site.
Thanks for always sharing your thinking ;-) even though you oh-so-don't always think the same as I do. I SOOOO appreciate that you ARE a thinking human being.
Hey, ABB!
Be careful about being perceived as "Catholic bashing". My blog got linked on a Catholic online publication the other day because I happened to mention that the five justices that ruled on the D&E abortion procedure were the five Catholics on the board. Bam! I'm linked and accused of Catholic bashing.
I have to admit though that I love the controversy and felt as if I'd finally arrived in the blog world. Bwahahaha!
Rock on, girl.
Thanks for thinking that I'm thinking!
As for Catholic bashing...perish the thought.
I have Catholic friends (wink)!
The faithful are diverse and many have expressed the same frustrations here over this issue.
So, if I'm bashing I've got some activist Catholics keeping me company.
As for backlash...no weapon formed against me shall prosper!
He'd best not mess with Sheryl...she clearly has no fear since she got all up in Karl Rove's shit last week and lived to tell the tale!
ABB, I'm in finals Hell. I don't feel great about my contracts final on Wednesday even though I said my Bitchfirmation. Yesterday, though, I found the Post-It I wrote the Bitchfirmation on last semester after you gifted me with it. It was inside my civil procedure book, so I stuck it back on my Macbook where it belongs, and I'm fairly sure I nailed that exam today!
ABB -- I've only recently discoverd your blog, and visit often. This matter of stem cells is so infuriating. Something that can be so beneficial to mankind and these fuckin' wankers are obstrucing it. Stem cell research is the most exciting medical discovery since antibiotics -- the world should welcome it with open arms. If it means bashing a major religion to get the point across, then, fuck it -- bash away!
Is this the same Burke who covered up priests under him who abused children? And he calls Crow evil?
When this stuff puzzles me, I just remember times when Popes have excommunicated entire countries. Ah, sent the innocent to hell along with the guilty because they didn't like something the king did.
WWJD? Not a fucking thing. He's curled up in bed with the covers pulled over his head weeping, too depressed at how his message has been twisted and forged into a weapon to even do a damn thing.
honestly, i would have entitled this post WTFWJD. any quesses to what the "f" stands for?
I went to your Wikipedia link on Burke, and the first sentence is "Raymond Leo Burke ... is an American prelate of the Roman Catholic Church". But I read that as " ...Burke is an American *parody* of the Roman Catholic Church ..." Hah! I think that's more accurate.
ABB, I hardly ever comment on anyone's blog, but I read you faithfully every day and get so much inspiration from you. Thanks for being your bad bitchy self!
Bitch, you know why Sheryl Crow: She is a skinny-ass, homewrecking nude model who told Karl Rove who's the boss. A bitch knows Rove blackballed Crow last week - she'll never perform for a Republican again.
Is it Catholic bashing if there are so many reasons to hit him? ::ducks::
I mean that in the metaphorical sense, of course, and not all Catholics, of course, but only a certain archbishop in particular. I sure wish he would be called home--to Rome or his eternal reward, whichever comes first. I suspect he's just too mean to die, though.
(This of course should not be construed as wishing deliberate harm should befall him--heavens! Also, opinions expressed are those of the commenter alone and not the purveyor of said site, offer not valid outside the metropolitan area, void where prohibited, coupon with purchase required.)
Archbishop Raymond Burke is a hypocrite, that's for sure, and one might dare to even hint that he might also be mysogynistic to boot.
Last time I checked, stem cells are being used to PRESERVE life, such is the case and mission of every hospital, Christian or otherwise.
Just as an aside, not only is Billy Crystal a supporter of GLAAD, (correct me if I'm wrong) he is Jewish, to boot, yet another point to ponder for the bishop.
Let's only hope and pray that all of this negative media spin works in the direct opposite of the bishop's intent, and bring more attention to this charity event, because nothing should interfere with ANYONE's medical care, adult or child.
Totally irrelevant of this post (but fortunately you moderate your comments and don't have to publish it here if you don't want to), here is an e-mail I would have sent you if I could have found an e-mail address on this blog:
"Right, so I know it's not the same thing as hearing from the MacArthur people or anybody in Stockholm, but you may be interested to know that I have nominated you for a Thinking Blogger Award.
"You can read more about it, if you can wade through my prose, at:
"The Overthinking Blogger
"I hope you find this flattering and not annoying. It really is meant as a compliment, offered with gratitude.
"-- Sara"
Hey girl - Hello from the left side of our red state.
I left you a gift at my place...;)
Make of it what you will.:)
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