She was a blessing and a joy. I had the honor of living in Texas during her final year in office and of meeting her briefly years later.
Fantabulous doesn't come close...
So many of you have shared condolences and support after the death of my beloved brother Bill from COVID-19. I wish I could thank you indiv...
I've only had the honour of reading about her today; meeting her must have been great.
What an incredible person. And what a comment to leave behind you; 'siver foot in mouth' indeed!
I have a vision of Ann standing before the Pearly Gates. St. Peter hands her the Book of Names and the Keys to the Kingdom and heads off for a long-overdue coffee break, knowing Heaven is in good hands until he returns...
Gov. Richards opened Texas politics to the people, appointing numerous women and minorities to all levels of government, and for one brief, shining moment balancing the Good Ol' Boys network with her own brand of Ballsy Broad-ism. Tahnk you, Ann. Rest well.
She was an example of the best kind of progressive politician, funny-as-hell, intelligent, and tough. I've never lived in or even visited Texas, but I so greatly admire Ann Richards.
I also had the honor of meeting Ann Richards a few years ago, and I'll never forget her graciousness. Ann combined the guts and brains of a great politician with the warmth and class of a great person. She was special.
She seems like the kind of character I associate with Texas. It's a shame people don't keep the few great ones in office.
I have read alot of Molly Ivins, who wrote wonderful things about her. She sounds like someone texans were fools to get rid of.
peace & love to the Richards clan
She was so wonderful, so much larger than life but so delightfully human.
And so loved.
She got chewed up by the Bush machine. What a pity.
Two quotes from Ann Richards' keynote address at the 1988 Democratic National Convention, which seem like they could have been made today since they are just as valid concerning the Cheney Misadministration and Scooter as they were 18 years ago about the Reagan Misadministration and the asshole father of an idiot:
"This Republican Administration treats us as if we were pieces of a puzzle that can’t fit together. They've tried to put us into compartments and separate us from each other. Their political theory is “divide and conquer.” They’ve suggested time and time again that what is of interest to one group of Americans is not of interest to any one else. We’ve been isolated. We’ve been lumped into that sad phraseology called “special interests.” They’ve told farmers that they were selfish, that they would drive up food prices if they asked the government to intervene on behalf of the family farm, and we watched farms go on the auction block while we bought food from foreign countries. Well, that’s wrong!
They told working mothers it’s all their fault -- their families are falling apart because they had to go to work to keep their kids in jeans and tennis shoes and college. And they’re wrong!! They told American labor they were trying to ruin free enterprise by asking for 60 days’ notice of plant closings, and that’s wrong. And they told the auto industry and the steel industry and the timber industry and the oil industry, companies being threatened by foreign products flooding this country, that you’re "protectionist" if you think the government should enforce our trade laws. And that is wrong. When they belittle us for demanding clean air and clean water for trying to save the oceans and the ozone layer, that’s wrong.
No wonder we feel isolated and confused. We want answers and their answer is that "something is wrong with you." Well nothing's wrong with you. Nothing’s wrong with you that you can’t fix in November!"
"Now, in contrast, the greatest nation of the free world has had a leader for eight straight years that has pretended that he can not hear our questions over the noise of the helicopters. And we know he doesn’t wanna answer. But we have a lot of questions. And when we get our questions asked, or there is a leak, or an investigation the only answer we get is, “I don’t know,” or “I forgot.”
But you wouldn’t accept that answer from your children. I wouldn’t. Don’t tell me “you don’t know” or “you forgot.” We're not going to have the America that we want until we elect leaders who are gonna tell the truth; not most days but every day; leaders who don’t forget what they don’t want to remember. And for eight straight years George Bush hasn’t displayed the slightest interest in anything we care about. And now that he's after a job that he can’t get appointed to, he's like Columbus discovering America. He’s found child care. He’s found education. Poor George. He can’t help it. He was born with a silver foot in his mouth.
Well, no wonder. No wonder we can’t figure it out. Because the leadership of this nation is telling us one thing on TV and doing something entirely different. They tell us -- They tell us that they're fighting a war against terrorists. And then we find out that the White House is selling arms to the Ayatollah. They -- They tell us that they’re fighting a war on drugs and then people come on TV and testify that the CIA and the DEA and the FBI knew they were flying drugs into America all along. And they’re negotiating with a dictator who is shoveling cocaine into this country like crazy. I guess that’s their Central American strategy.
Now they tell us that employment rates are great, and that they’re for equal opportunity. But we know it takes two paychecks to make ends meet today, when it used to take one. And the opportunity they’re so proud of is low-wage, dead-end jobs. And there is no major city in America where you cannot see homeless men sitting in parking lots holding signs that say, “I will work for food.”
Now my friends, we really are at a crucial point in American history. Under this Administration we have devoted our resources into making this country a military colossus. But we’ve let our economic lines of defense fall into disrepair. The debt of this nation is greater than it has ever been in our history. We fought a world war on less debt than the Republicans have built up in the last eight years. You know, it’s kind of like that brother-in-law who drives a flashy new car, but he’s always borrowing money from you to make the payments.
Well, but let’s take what they are most proudest of -- that is their stand of defense. We Democrats are committed to a strong America, and, quite frankly, when our leaders say to us, "We need a new weapons system," our inclination is to say, “Well, they must be right.” But when we pay billions for planes that won’t fly, billions for tanks that won’t fire, and billions for systems that won’t work, "that old dog won’t hunt." And you don’t have to be from Waco to know that when the Pentagon makes crooks rich and doesn’t make America strong, that it’s a bum deal."
Miss Black Bitch, I was just wondering if you had any vodka? I've ran dry trying to come up with witty remarks against the competetion. They expect somelike me (who wouldn't have graduated beauty school except I was blowin one of the teachers) to be good at grammar and spellin. I'd better relax a minute, the doctor says I have what he calls overactive brain. Or is that underactive? Hell if I can remember. Just bring the vodka.
over here in Oz not too many people know about Ann Richards, but she caught my eye with that 'silver foot in mouth' speech ... beautiful ... a smart, funny, feisty, liberated woman in the true sense of the word ... i wish we had one of her kind of here making a difference
One day after the news, I still think the world is a much much sadder place without Ann Richards in it. Her manner was simply inspirational, and inspiration is in short supply these days.
I'm optimistic that I will feel inspired again someday by a politician like I was in 1988 by Richards.
I loved her too!! We soooooo need more WOMEN in politics like her. And lots of MEN like her too!! She was TRUTHFULL and NOT afaid to speak her mind. You always knew where she stood on a issue. She was a human being you could RESPECT whether you agreed with her or not.
Sad sad we lost one from "our side," and of course "our side" is defined as rational, thoughtful.
Sad indeed.
What a truly fine person Gov. Richards was and truly a thorn in the side of the Bush mafia for many years, she will be missed.
She was great!
I am sorry she is gone!
She was brilliant... and so witty!
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