Monday, December 19, 2005

A bitch is ill...

One would think, after 32 years of living, that a bitch would know better than to go out and party my ass off after feeling under the weather for several hours. But one would be wrong. This bitch indulged in a serious night of fun and remembrance with the oh so fantabulous Miz Celene, my Play Husband, a certain Blood Ray, Brother Rob Thurman and Mr. Murphy. And woke up feeling like shit and under the wrong assumption that my illness was due to overindulgence. It isn’t. A bitch is really ill…and my overindulgence most likely kicked open the door and let this evil assed bug in!

Fuck it…my ass had a blast. We’re sad to see you leave, Celene, and we resent the hell out of New York for taking you away.

Moving forward…

2 cups tea…for the love of all that is holy…, 1 Claritin, 1 DayQuil, dry butter-less toast…toast, for the love of Gawd…and cigs…

Scooter’s Address to the Nation from The Oval Office…
Last night a bitch settled in to watch Scooter spin the war…again. My ass had a mug filled with tea and honey, my TiVo was back to loving me again and my stomach hadn’t tried to purge in 2 hours.

Now, usually this bitch will provide a detailed run down of the President’s speech. But, fuck it…

For over ten minutes the President of the United States spoke about Iraq… he admitted that our case for war was fucked up, admitted that our execution was fucked up, resubmitted his plan for victory and asked the nation for patience.

There has been so much pain…so much death…so many lives forever altered. And a bitch is left with nothing but grief…for what has been lost and what will be lost…for the rejection of peace in the age of Pax Americana.


Hammer said...

Hey ABB, I think everyone feels the same way that you do...I know that I was pretty fucking sick over last night's performance. I jsut want that asshole to say WHY we are in Iraq...the REAL REASON...not because we want Iraqis to have democracy, but because we want to find our niche in the middle-eastern economy. And I'm sorry that our wanna-be Christian president doesn't realize they are peaceful ways for all people in the world to succeed and prosper. TO this administration, people have to suffer for others to prosper....fuck that shit. As Bush and his cronies push for the Free Trade Agreement with Bahrain....ugh!

I thought we were supposed to be working for peace, no spread of capitalistic ideology.

Where is Hugo Chavez and Castro when you need them.


Peace ABB

Feel better!

Maven said...

On the heels of his speech... yet another American head rolled. I believe another American by the last name Schultz, was executed in Iraq.

No amount of shit-shovelling or People Magazine spotlighting is going to bring everyone back from the grave, if and when Bush finally and ultimately assume defeat and pulls out of the mid-East.

Peace to Mr. Schultz's family.

PissedOffPencil said...

Hoping you feel better soon. Tea and honey is a good start but where's the rum? :)

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