A bitch was going to post about the health care summit and how, although it didn’t move a single person from yes to no or no to yes, it was worthwhile because it clarified a lot of shit that needed to be clarified for the three or five folks left in America who still didn’t have a fucking clue what the hell is going on with health care reform.
Oh, and I was also going to post a quizzical pondering why Anonymouses fail to see the freakishness of leaving comments on a bitch’s blog that attempt to explain blackness to my black ass.
In five years of blogging, those “black people [insert absolute statement stereotype that could, sans ig’nance, apply to any group of people] and that’s why you don’t deserve [insert basic civil right that, sans ig’nance, trolls would realize isn’t special]” comments are the ones that just keep on coming month after month. Anyhoo, I was going to post about the strangeness of having knaves who obviously do not know any black people tell my black ass what they think I’m thinking or doing and getting that shit so wrong that I’m left wondering where the hell they get that shit (there must be an e-newsletter, The Weekly Wrongness).
Fuck it.
Its Friday…a bitch is tired…and I’d rather share my new obsession with Curling.
I love Curling!

Seriously - the drama and the gossip-based commentary followed by more drama and stones and houses and...Lawd, have mercy!
Curling coverage is addictive and a bitch is going to have to search for a fix once the Olympics are over.
Who knew watching stones slide toward the house was so much fun?
Mr Vidberg wants to see curlyng, too (I did not know it existed, seems they have to walk/run on ice : that might be very dangerous and tiring)
Shark Fu, I am all into curling too! It's a trippy sport and I only turned in cuz there was nothing else on the telly.
The Weekly Wrongness I love it woman! ;)
Curling rocks (pun not intended) - it's a sport like billiards or darts that normal people can see themselves playing, and I swear that's part of the charm. I am quite a good skier and there is no way on God's Green Earth I would ever THINK to head down a World Cup class downhill - I have a hard time watching Alpine because I know exactly how painful simply surviving one of those runs is. Curling? Yeah, I could see myself there. When guys with beer guts and ladies 5 months pregnant are Olympic caliber, hell, count me in! Besides, in amateur leagues they drink when they play, like, right during the pitch. I've played plenty of Beer league hockey and softball, but it's rare to stride to the plate with a bottle of Labatt's in hand (cans of Stroh's in the outfield or on the bench are de riguere, of course...) I love curling. Hey Little Sister, see if there's a league in St. Louis - we have them in Chicago!
Don't forget the measuring device. Talk about geek chic.
I got into curling during the 2002 Winter Olympics. I just found out that a rink in Oakland, not too far from me, has curling lessons. I may just go check those out!
I just caught some curling yesterday (yay! sick day!) and it was awesome! Those athletes walk on ice without skates! And not only did they not fall on their asses like every step - which I manage to do with or without skates, they even skipped around other rocks while scrubbing the hell out of the ice! Oh yeah, and the whole strategy thing and all the cool shots, but HEY! They are *walking* on ice without skates! Freaky.
Oh hell yeah, curling is fucking mesmerizing. :D
There may very well be a St. Louis curling league! My daughter's 6th grade teacher is a...what do they call the players? "curlers?" So she (the teacher) is teaching the kids about the game. All this right here in the inner ring - UCity. Do they get curling, archery, field hockey, swimming and home training on race wins in the outer 'burbs? I don't think so.
I need to start watching NBC's coverage of curling because, you know I really try to care about curling because well it's huge around here. (Ottawa specifically) But damn the CTV coverage is like watching paint dry...
BlkLady, I love curling also! My dream is to go north and spend some time at a curling club learning how to do it. I love intense sports and those folks are determined and intense besides having to really be accurate to the extreme.
Yea, sometimes it's better to just chuck it all and watch curling. Makes more sense.
Hey, did you know curling has its own condoms?
Now that's a sport I can get in front of! :)
grrl, i'm right there with you! this angry black dyke grew up in MI, where people curl almost as much as they do in Canada. but there's something about this year that just sucked me in, and kept me glued to the coverage. and i hate teevee! with a passion! i mute the ads, or watch online, but yeah, curling!
i think it's because i'm so pissed at the "lucy and the football" games the administation keeps playing with health care. it's nice to be able to unplug, not care about politics for a minute, and enjoy good old fashioned sport for a change. and those japanese women were hawt.
-Chicago Dyke
I've tried to get my boyfriend into curling, but he's not interested. It's definitely fun to watch.
Take it up! Leagues are always looking for more curlers!
curling is hypnotic.
i dont 'like' it, but i can't turn it off
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