A bitch shall leave it to the wild beast that is the media to unearth what, if any, “exotic” drama is behind this hastily announced and strategically bizarre move.
I think that the fact that both Mary Matalin and Pat Buchanan think this stepping down before the end of her first term strangeness was wise speaks volumes to just how fucked up from the floor up this shit really is.
But a bitch will hold off on the analysis until the shoe and/or shoes drop.
What I won’t hold off on is addressing the announcement itself.
What the fuck?!?
I’m as far from a Palin supporter as you can get and even this bitch was hoping that she’d pull her shit together mid speech and begin to make complete sentences that have something to do with why the hell she called everyone to her front lawn to chat!
Jesus to Gawd, woman…that basketball analogy was crazy.
Hell, the whole speech was the very definition of crazy talk.
Did she talk an antihistamine on an empty stomach after drinking two bottles of horse turd whisky?
Or did she lose her mind and decide to kick the script to the curb and speak from her heart?
Whatever the cause, that televised announcement was a steaming hot mess on ice complete with random nature calls because even the wildlife was unimpressed with that shit.
In related news, Ross Perot's 1992 announcement that he was leaving his campaign has now moved from the top spot of public displays of fubaristic craziness...
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The Gumdrop Stage of Grief ...
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this was absolutely hilarious, ABB. I watched it live, and went W-T-F?
It was just like the rest of what she says: pure gibberish.
nobody could tell me that she was taught ENGLISH in school.
I actually tried to watch some of that hot mess. Hate you for making me click. OK?
I shouldn't have watched that... now I am confused.
What sort of weird nasty thing does she have up her sleeve?
Sounds suspiciously what she did in Alaska before she resigned her post on whatever committee she was sitting on at the time. She announced that she was resigning because everyone else was so ef'd up. Her pattern[s] seem almost predicable now.
I have yet to see what the right sees in her. But their infatuation with her is frightening. I shudder to think she can convince enough well-meaning but unthinking Americans to actually cast a ballot for her. But then again, they bought that foolishness George W. sold them.
it didn't make any sense. She talked in a circle and quit. She should have just said "See what had happened was..." and went from there.
"Steaming hot mess on ice" = best mixed metaphor EVER. And rather apropos considering the subject, don't you think?
Now, if only she could fade fade away. Wouldn't it be marvelous if everyone, and I mean media here, would just stop talking about her? Abruptly. Irrevocably. Instead, Huffington Post is creating a whole Palin page. That's just not right. We should allow that woman to stop talking.
The girl's got what it takes to be an American celebrity, but then, so does OctoMom.
In a perfect world, I'd like to say that there's not way this wingnut could get elected to the PTA. But she was on a city council and elected governor of a state, and named as a running mate in a presidential election. Which sorta suggests this world is far from perfect! Eeek!
I was mid-way to full-blown intoxication when she was speaking, so if you think it made no sense to you....
I might as well have been listening to a soap opera in Samoan.
I've read she is under a federal corruption investigation. If so, maybe she's too stressed to make sense.
You know what she reminded me of?
Remember the one kid in grade school who was never prepared for his or her speech, but had the gift of gab and was able to BS their way through it by repeating the same thing over and over?
Yeah. That's her.
When she said "I gave my reasons", I have to admit, I cocked my head to one side, raised and eyebrow and felt completely confused.
I thank the good Lord every single day that that woman got nowhere near the White House. What a disaster that would have been.
I am sorry...
But does she actually think that resigning as governor will help her future in politics - let alone a bid as President? Something doesn't add up...I am waiting for a new scandal to drop!
horse turd whiskey... ROFL.
I guess you don't know the difference between an extemporaneous speech, and one that's been written for the politician by some misogynistic weenie.
I thought her analogy was brilliant.
Let's see now; was this the blog I read one of the posters (unchecked by the blog owner or any other poster) say "She whelped a Mongoloid"? I think so. It was back before your election.
I think whoever said that turned a lot of people off Obama, if that's what one of his followers could get away with. Now of course, we know it was par for the course.
"Did she talk an antihistamine on an empty stomach after drinking two bottles of horse turd whisky?"
Hilarious. I heard about the speech and all the confusion, but am now going to go watch it.
And why did she have a press conference for her neighbors and like 6 photographers?
How to respond?
#1...All comments to this blog are monitored. Your tired ass deliberately insulting comment was posted, after some reflection, because I've decided to make an example of you.
#2...Enough people have said shit about Palin's child that you really shouldn't have to try to attach that bullshit to those of us who have not.
#3...The Speech was fubar. I expect more from people, regardless of their political affiliation...just as I expect something other that recycled bullshit from those who comment here.
Now get thee gone from my blog-based lair...
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