Thank the gods!
A bitch was just beginning to fret that the anti-Mexican Swine Flu festival of ill-informed CLOSE THE BORDERS – WELL, ACTUALLY JUST CLOSE THAT SOUTHERN ONE! public display of ignorance hate frenzy was going to rule the airwaves for another weekend.
So, we’ve got a seat to fill.
And there are tons of groups that would like a say in who fills it!

The Nominate a Woman folks…
Multiple groups are calling for President Obama to nominate a woman to the bench… But not just any woman will do, because…
The Nominate a Hispanic folks...
Many groups would like to see Hispanics represented on the Supreme Court. There are several options, but those candidates will most likely also have to be…
The Nominate a Liberal folks…

Liberal/progressive groups would like to see the moderate Souter replaced by someone who could represent the views of liberal Americans on the so conservative it makes conservatives feel boxed in Supreme Court. But that doesn’t mean that the nominee has to be a career jurist…
The Nominate a Politician or a Regular Person folks…
Because there are some who would like to see a politician nominated or someone from outside of the lawyerly judge-based world.
And so forth and so on and…oh my!
A bitch suspects President Obama is getting an earful of advice…
…and I also suspect that he’s more than a little pleased that Souter’s announcement knocked Joey B.’s verbal malfunction regarding the flu off the front page.
For now, this bitch hopes the nominee is relatively young…because the Bush legacy currently sitting on the court in going to be the fuck you that keeps on fucking for years to come.
This would be an ideal time to select a half Hispanic, half native-American, liberal lesbian.
Actually, I know someone who is all of that and more...but she's only 20 years old.
But the Court could use some youth.
Mayhap I'll start a campaign!
Young and in really, really good health and who has always paid their taxes and who is not secretly having an affair or involved in some other drama...
How about a young progressive constitutional scholar.
Can Obama clone himself??
No matter who is chosen, the choice will be both highly praised and highly criticized. Poor Obama just can't win. Lucky Obama just can't lose.
Would it be wise to make "Give Rush Limbaugh a stroke" the main criterion for choosing a nominee?
Let's be real here: whomever he nominates, some bitches will be wailing that he only gave that person the job because he/she is a _______. Especially from this president, it is going to be seen as a choice of identity politics. So I think he should just say fuck 'em and do what he wants to do, which is nominate someone who has a progressive view of the Constitution, someone who is an intellectual heavyweight, and preferably someone who is a woman. Because yes, I'm playing identity politics here too. More than half the people in law school right now are women. Around half the lawyers in the country. There is ONE woman on the court of nine. And that is some bullshit. There is no reason why he can't find 20 different women who are overly qualified for the job and who, by their life experience, bring some balance to the Court.
Hope he makes it a woman of color. This Latina with black relatives and tired of dealing with old-fashioned males (mostly white, but they come in all shapes and colors) wants to feel REPRESENTED on the Supreme Court too! Is it too much to hope for?
Beware the "I hope he picks a ____" talk. Recall when Justice Thomas arrived on the scene...some folks (including many Black folks) said "Oh, he may be a little conservative, but he's still Black. That's bound to come through once he's in there"...
I'd love to see him nominate Anita Hill. AWKWARD!
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