A bitch read the news that Chrysler is shutting down 30 plants for a solid month and my stomach dropped. Lawd, have mercy…talk about pissing in thousands of bowls full of Corn Flakes simultaneously.

This is one of those happenings when theory gets real…and this bitch wonders whether folks have any idea what we are all about to witness. Saying that car manufacturers should be allowed to fold and watching them fold are two very different things. Add to that the daunting problem of America’s major production-based product being consumers with 2/3rds of our economy being based on those consumers getting their spending on and…well, we’ve seen the good and the bad and we’re about to see the ugly.
Onward to the Greatest Ponzi Scheme on Earth.
Friends shouldn’t let friends regulate friends.
Mayhap that should be ‘the masses shouldn’t let friends regulate friends’?
And this bitch is beyond disgusted with the current pleas coming from those friendly regulators that Madoff misled the SEC. If assholes didn’t mislead investors what the fuck would the SEC do? And Madoff wasn’t even slick…not even sorta clever…hell, he didn’t even work up a good sweaty sheen trying to cover his bullshit up!
There were flies all over the place…a stench wafting up and about almost from day one...a dedicated investigator would have begun the search for the piles of bullshit immediately.
Fuck a duck on Sunday.
And finally, the selection of the Purpose Driven Bigot to offer up prayers during the Inauguration.
A bitch yields the floor to the fantabulous Pam of Pam’s House Blend…
…and adds a dash of Katy Perry while pondering change.
Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in and you're out
You're up and you're down
You're wrong when it's right...
So much for a nice bowl of corn-based flakes...
Well said.
P.S. When did you start paying attention to pop music. You don't know Chris Brown but you're quoting this girl? :)
Confession - a bitch still can't identify a Chris Brown song...sigh. But I'm all about pop music now that my regular radio stations have turned 24/7 Christmas Music!
So, I may be a huge Chris Brown fan and not know it yet.
Anyhoo, they play that up then down, hot then cold song every 15 minutes...a bitch suspects it is the "Mr. Telephone Man" of this generation...
It's worth noting that Chrysler would be fully shut down for 2 weeks "normally". Same with Ford and GM -- there are company-wide shutdowns even in good years, which is used as a time to incorporate minor design changes, retool a production line, or even simply force people to take vacation time THEN so they can have a more predictable absenteeism rate the rest of the year. At Ford, there were two weeks around July 4th, then another block around Christmas.
For the few years I worked with Ford, though, those two-week shutdowns have been longer (three to four weeks) and more frequent (shutdowns in October, for example, in addition to summer/winter). An expanded shutdown isn't new, but I think this is the first time I've seen a it mentioned in the national media -- indeed, I can remember back in 2006 being warned not to mention shutdowns, whereas now they're apparently announced in press releases.
I am still on the fence. They are so dysfunctional they shouldn't be propped up, but they employ so many they shouldn't just crash. Frankly, I'm just glad they axed me last June, so I don't have to be on the inside while they are imploding.
DaTelephone Man. Oh why must you insert that brain worm into my skull, Shark-Fu? Next it will be "Feelings...."
I agree that the guy in charge of "spreading the word of Jesus" is a disappointing choice. But then I am not religious. Folks are entitled to practice what they believe of course, but would it be so bad if this particular portion of the inauguration got left out? Obama won. Show me some change and do a different ceremonial swearing in. The swearing on the bible thing means nothing to me. It may as well be a book of Aesop's fables. I just get so tired of people assuming that everyone uses a book, let alone THAT book (as well as a particular version) to dictate their lives.
A standing O for Shark Fu!!
Love your take on the Madoff mess-a-palooza!
spot-on as usual on all points. ;)
Dear Shark Fu,
There is a lot of upset around the inclusion of Rick Warren in the upcoming inauguration. I understand it because Rev Warren is not a man who expresses my personal belief in the rights of women or of gays. However he represents a point of view that exists. But I think it's equally significant that the esteemed and honorable Joseph Lowery has been selected to give the benediction. He is, in my mind, placed in a more powerful position on the program.
And what is more powerful to me is that these two men each represent the extremes that we are facing in this country today around religion and sexual freedom. These are the two sides that any sane leader is going to have to listen to in order to be an effective agent of change. The fact that Obama is being called out on this disturbs me because it means that in denying people like Rick Warren and his ilk a place we are behaving like the Rethugs have behaved for the past eight years. I thought this move smart and not cynical in the least. Just because we are not reading out of Rick Warrens book doesn't mean that the book ain't in print. Maybe he's showing us with Rick Warren in the front where we've been and showing where we are headed with the Rev Lowery at the end.
Can you feel me on this Shark Fu?
I think you have expressed what the Obama team is expressing.
Although I do see the value in welcoming many points of view to the discussion table, I do not see the value in granting a high profile role to Warren.
Invite him on the stage or invite him to a meeting so that folks can attempt to walk him down the path of knowledge into the land of respect...I'm fine with that.
But he has a role that many Americans equate with being on the side of goodness and rightness - and there ain't a damn thing good or right about Mr. Warren's views on all manner of things.
Nor do we need his fucked up values validated through Warren getting a speaking role at an inaugural made possible, in part, through the work and labor of the same groups of people Rick Warren regularly and without shame damns to eternal hell fire after a life lived without choice/rights/equality/parenting rights and Lawd, have mercy.
I can't feel that, Michael.
A bitch has high blood pressure and I'm pretty sure feeling stuff like that is on my list of must not do's right under eating salt(wink).
I can feel you on that Shark fu but if the goal is to find balance and I believe that's what it is then isn't having Reverend Lowrey there giving that balance that we need. Isn't it nice to know that after eight years of people like Warren getting the ear of the president that there is a counter balance to his awfulness in the form of Rev Lowrey. If Warren was the only person up there speaking I would be indignant but he's not. And Obama has to represent all the folks not just some of the folks. How do we decry partisanship and the culture wars if we are willing to shut out those we disagree with?
I guess I'm trying to see the why of it. And the why of it makes sense but that doesn't mean that Rick Warren has any sense mind you. I think we have to give these two visions equal weight if we are to move forward as a nation.
You feeling me yet? If not my afro might start to hurt and I ain't got no hair.
And to wrap up. Cool hand uke has a point. After the last eight years of sheer fuckery I'd rather see a president swear on the constitution than the bible. But like you have said, that would be too much like right.
Interesting opinion that I think clarifies my opinion. We have to be the change too.
The collapse of the Madoff pyramid scheme illustrates something that I think bears repeating: Remember how for thirty years now, since Reagan, we've been hearing from the Republicans, supposedly the party of economic conservatism, about how lowering tax rates for the wealthy is a sure-fire way to generate growth and jobs? Because when you give a tax break to a billionaire, he goes right out and builds a new factory with it, right?
One could not ask for a clearer illustration than this that the rich are just as likely to blow that extra wad of cash on a sack of magic beans. Can we once and for all agree that the entire concept of trickle-down or supply-side or whatever they've been calling it these days is pure 100% bullshit? Because I recall as recently as a couple months ago being told that anybody who didn't agree with this idea of giving more money to those who need it least and hoping something good happens was some kinda crazy "socialist." And I wanna make sure that when we inevitably hear this strategy brought up again, probably wrapped around an amnesiac "all our economic problems are caused by Obama increasing taxes on the wealthy" argument, it gets shouted down like it should've been in 1979.
Lowery is not an offensive choice, but he doesn't somehow undo giving a bigot--even a congenial one--such a prominent platform from which to speak. With due deference to Lowery's impressive accomplishments over the years, he is retired at 87; hasn't been front-and-center in connecting the civil rights movement's Stone Mountain to us fags who live on Brokeback Mountain, or to women, or to the Big 3 auto workers who are getting something more foul than piss in their cereal; and he clearly lacks the star-power that Warren has and continues to build through Saddleback. Barack Obama may envision an America where everybody's voice counts, but Rick Warren doesn't. And since when does having somebody's voice matter mean they must pray at the presidential inauguration? This Reverend Faggot feels betrayed by the choice and indignant over such a flimsy defense of the indefensible.
What happens after Warren is invited in, and then gets gracious smiles, prayers, and a complete brushoff when it comes to policy-making? Warren faces losing credibility with his own base, by implicitly endorsing Obama as he is at the moment - and if Warren later gives Obama a dressing-down in public, Warren loses credibility with the middle-of-the-road people who aren't highly committed churchgoers but who are predisposed to think well of bland pastors.
I tend to think that Obama knows how to play these political games of face.
We can always count on this bitch to always leave us with something to think about! Thanx! I understand Detroit is in need of a bailout, but what about all the other people that lost businesses and put people out of work?
The scare tactics are pissin this bitch off! If a MF can show up to a beg meetin in a jet, I think there should be a corporate garage sale and then maybe come back and ask for some money.
As far as the employees, why would you work for someone that would rather send you to the soup line that give up their airplane?
I wonder what would have happened if they had produced better cars?
Well Said
*goes to kitchen to throw corn flakes away* LOL
Perhaps they should have made better cars then instead of perusing the HUMMER and other SUV's which are totally horrid cars.
Wow, Shark Fu. The fire of your wrath on the Rick Warren issue has melted the ice in the3 block radius of where I live. Can't we all just get along?
The anti union hysteria is making the Republicans completely nutty. Our economy can't handle the collapse of the Big Three. They are more important than the big banks that got much bigger bailouts.
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