This latest move to appoint an anti-contraception, anti-choice…basically anti-sex freak to head the nation’s family planning office just seems so…unstable.

Has anyone checked up on Scooter B. and his minions lately?
No, I mean chatted with them or caught a bite to eat with them.
How'd they sound?
Has anyone noticed folks in the West Wing speaking incoherently or talking to people who are not there?
A bitch is serious, chil’ren!
This shit simply is not rational.
Unless Scooter B. is now taking advice from Missouri legislators…and this appointment is the first phase of his new Operation Increase Production immigration reform plan.
Pause again.
Lawd have mercy…
Sigh. Did we really need one more piece of evidence to support the fact that the administration is out of its mind and totally looners?
More of the same. More of the same.
It's enough to make anyone want to stop reading the news. And shame on anyone who thinks the elections and the new Congress are going to magically clean up this mess.... We're in it deep. Real deep.
Once again, Dubya appoints someone who doesn't believe in it to head the agency. This is how he lives. This is how he thinks. God help us all, we have two more years of this.
The organization is a Christian-non-profit and its bylaws stand on Christian values.
Planned Parenthood offices and clinics are available for those who desire secular choices.
Christian women do have premaritial sex, questions, land pregnant, etc. and they SHOULD be allowed to opt for this organization that will encourage them in their beliefs. Just as they are allowed to take their questions and needs elsewhere if they want to seek a secular choice.
There is no story here. Bush can appoint a Christian to a Christian non-profit organization. Now if it was the other way around - then you'd have a story.
I think Scooter B must be either hitting the bottle or the coke spoon again. I mean, can anyone really be this dimwitted? Wait, don't answer that....
Margaret...please read the article I linked to.
The doctor is being appointed to head a federal agency...not a Christian non-profit. is a story...
Unless the Christian non-profit you mentioned is the federal government...
And when the hell did that happen?
NOW has already begun circulating a petition to get this fool canned...
Please sign and pass it along.
Never fails to astound me. Even though we're all pretty sure now that a) sex happens and b) it generally works, thankyouverymuch and that furthermore c) no matter if there is a death sentence for those who indulge in a) resulting in b), both a) and b) STILL FREAKIN'HAPPEN!; time and time again everyone is supposed to pretend a) & b) only happen under the confines of marriage.
I mean, doesn't it just make your head ache from voluntary blindness and double standards?
Ef Scooter B. and the not-as-virginal-as-he-imagines-mare he rode in on.
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