Thanks for making the special effort to come over and say hey!
Dining Out for Life is a fantabulous fundraiser and an opportunity to educate communities about HIV/AIDS. But every day is World AIDS Day. Talk about HIV and AIDS with friends and family…know your status and encourage them to know theirs…and get to know the resources for prevention and treatment. More on that in a wee bit…

Moving forward…
C-Money sent this bitch a news item yesterday that made my Afro hurt. It seems that the president elect of the Christian Coalition told that organization to talk to the hand! Now, I’m not one to get excited about just any ol’ drama within that organization. A bitch is not a fan but my ass tries not to be petty (wink).
What got my afro throbbing was the reason behind The Rev. Joel Hunter’s declining the presidency of The Christian Coalition…because he wanted to shift the focus of the organization towards issues of poverty and the environment while the leadership is still enjoying their anti-choice/homophobia value meal…and how fucked up

I can not comprehend why media remains reluctant to debate hypocrisy in faith-based organizations even when the very definition is presented to them on a motherfucking platter.
Shit, if the American Cancer Society tossed over a president-elect because she dared to want to focus on…well, cancer (gasp)…you can bet your ass the media would be coating that shit with opinion like frosting on cake.
Clearly media folks are reluctant to step to this shit.
Who can blame them?
Gawd forbid we offend the offensive...
I dont think the media challenges the Christian Coalition with any kind of energy because they fear the consequences of being Anti-Christian.
Funny thing is...those Christian Right folk think the non FoxNews media is all anti-Christian ANYway.
DP is correct. What the f'ing hell? How can it escape all of them? Jesus' message was to LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
Maybe the "Christian" Coalition can reinstall Ralph Reed, since he lost in the primary for Lt. Gov of Georgia. Something tells me that Ralph will not want to focus on poverty and the environment.
The so called christian coalition is about the most non christian group out there. They certainly do not have the works that faith is supposed to produce such as meeting the needs of impoverished people or helping to sustain and kep the environment clean.
I am glad that Joel Hunter did the right thing. It's about time that REAL people of faith stand up and say "No More!" to the likes of that wacko legalistic-fundie nut case group.
This made me laugh when I read it, too. As far as we know, Jesus said not word about abortion or homosexuality, but had quite a bit to say about taking care of your community (which mean the whole world now), especially its weakest members. How can an organization call itself Christian when it actively rejects words from the man's own mouth in favor of shakily sourced inferences? Who has standing for a false advertising class-action lawsuit?
DP, I think you're right about the media, and I don't get it. The Subjugation-Of-Anyone-Not-A-Heterosexual-Male Coalition (what it lacks in snap it gains in accuracy) doesn't have the same clout it once had, even though the country feels more Pat Roberson-y than in the past. One part of the answer is that the mainstream media doesn't like to challenge any aspect of the status quo because they're part of it.
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