Holy Mother of Gawd!
Team USA just beat Team Canada in Olympic ice hockey...in a preliminary round game.
Happy birthday to me, damn it.
Woo hoo!
So many of you have shared condolences and support after the death of my beloved brother Bill from COVID-19. I wish I could thank you indiv...
Happy B-day, ABB! Hope it was a good one.
P.S. I love your ability to put my frustrations into words.
Glad you had such a wonderful game result on your birthday! Had your cake and ate it too, didn't you? :o)
hippo birdies two ewes
hippo birdies two ewes
hippo birdies deer shark-fuuuuu
hippo birdies two ewes
..... and mini s'mores
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Shark Fu!
It was a great game..I was screaming like a banshee. ;)
Happy birthday!
Happy B'day Black Lady! Hope you have a great one. I'll be watching curling.
Happy Birthday, Shark-Fu! I hope the crud that's done creeped up yo' schnozzle gets the 'ell up out of there soon!
Her Breckness
Sadly Infrequent Commenter
Regular Web-Based Student of the Fine Art of Bitchitude
Happy birthday to you!
Happy Happy B-day to you and thank YOU for the gift of your blog!
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