Shall we?
When I watched footage of the massive fire consuming an office building in Austin Texas last week after a domestic terrorist flew a plane into it, my first thought was to hope no one other than the pilot was hurt.
That was, tragically, not the case.
Vernon Hunter, a Vietnam veteran who served two tours of duty…husband and father and friend to many…was murder by Joe Stack when Joe Stack decided to vent his frustrations at all things not in his control by flying a plane into an office building in Austin Texas.
That the good Lord saw fit to limit the loss of life is little comfort to Vernon Hunter’s family…or to his colleagues, who have been terrorized by both the terrorist attack and the disturbing celebration/validation of that attack by everyone from conservative pundits to the junior Senator from Massachusetts.
I take no comfort and find no cause for celebration in the murder of a man who served this nation at war and at peace.
I find no grand statement within the terrorist act that took the life of a beloved husband and father.
Last week’s attack has been lauded by many who aren’t complex enough to be anti-government…’tis more accurate to say they are anti the current administration. They seek to celebrate Stack because this terrorist was American, wrote a manifesto decrying his torture at the hands of [insert government agency here] and that happens to freakishly fit how some folks define a hero.
But in my world, Vernon Hunter is a hero…not because of how he died but because of how he lived.
Yeah, I'm going to remember Vernon Hunter...Vietnam veteran, husband, father and grandfather.
And may God give comfort to those who mourn his loss...
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Thank you for this post. I have not seen the apparent lauding of this terrorist, but event he possibility that people are doing so has me trembling in fury. Not only did he kill an honored American hero, but the sheer hypocrisy of approving of THIS terrorist but not THOSE terrorists is mind-blowing!
But let us honor and focus upon Vernon, not the small-minded bigots who support the terrorist and his warped sense of "justice."
People are now arguing about whether the idiot that killed Vernon was a domestic terrorist or not. The definition of the word 'terrorist' should suffice and it does apply to Stack.
May God hold Vernon Hunter close and welcome him into heaven.
"I take no comfort and find no cause for celebration in the murder of a man who served this nation at war and at peace.
I find no grand statement within the terrorist act that took the life of a beloved husband and father.
Last week’s attack has been lauded by many who aren’t complex enough to be anti-government…’tis more accurate to say they are anti the current administration. They seek to celebrate Stack because this terrorist was American, wrote a manifesto decrying his torture at the hands of [insert government agency here] and that happens to freakishly fit how some folks define a hero."
All true but ...
"That the good Lord saw fit to limit the loss of life is little comfort to Vernon Hunter’s family…"
Seriously? It was the good lord that limited the loss of life? You would have thought the good lord might have had Stack's plane crash in an unpopulated area on the way to the IRS building. No, the loss of life certainly could not have been attributed to where the plane hit, the force of the crash, the amount of fuel on board, the proximity and number of people in the building at the time ... no, if things work out well it's a miracle and if they don't -well, god works in mysterious ways and ... he saw fit to limit the loss of life. I expected more cogent thought from you, bitch.
I believe that all things happen for a reason and I believe in a higher power - that does not translate into blaming people for "bad" things and giving all credit to God for "good things".
I get that that's a game some people of faith play, but that's not a game I play.
So, when I said what I said about the loss of life I meant it in that spirit - that whatever reason there may or not be behind the loss of life in this terrorist incident offers little comfort to those who mourn.
Thank you for saying what needed saying. Especially the part about Stack's inability to deal with things not under his control. That's the delusion of privledge, the idea that one has a right to be in control of things one cannot be in control of. Vernon Hunter, may you rest in peace knowing you did more good on this earth than the man who killed you. Vet or not, father or single man, you did not fly a plane into a building and terrorize people even though there were things in life beyond your control.
The daughter of the deranged Texan who piloted a plane into an IRS building in Texas says her dad is a hero.
"I think too many people lay around and wait for things to happen. But if nobody comes out and speaks up on behalf of injustice, then nothing will ever be accomplished," Samantha Bell, Joseph Stack's daughter from his first marriage, told "Good Morning America" in a phone interview that aired Monday morning.
This is just disgusting. Vernon Jordan is truly the real hero that died at the hands of a selfish, thoughtless, angry tax evader. "Sorry for the collateral damage, but my dad really wanted to make a point..." Nice.
I wondered whether the "missing person" would turn out to be killed by this terrorist. And he was. Thank you for reporting this. He should have a double flag ceremony. Peace be with him and his family.
These flat earthers like Joseph Stack lack any remorse in situations like this.
Few if any will ever serve in this nation's military.
I volunteered and served in a highly sanitized Gulf War 1. Vernon Jordan during a time of great national tension, if not volunteered for his first tour (meaning got drafted), definitely did for his second. Full disclosure; I am white. But when I talk with my mom nowadays we both say “these angry older white men just need to die.” Just... not like this.
I want to say, if he was a real man he would done...
Enter HERE source of injustices + plus violent action to attack these source of injustices =...
But then I just thought about Vernon and his family, his faithful service to this country and the fact that this true patriot is dead.
This just sucks.
He really wasn't a terrorist. Terrorism is systematic. This was a sick man who chose to commit suicide in the worst way possible. This should NOT be confused with terrorism.
It doesn't make it any less of a tragedy, but please don't get it twisted.
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