I’m just saying…this kind of 'oh shit, the markets are falling!' massive 24/7 freak-out festival followed by a series of 'hurry, hurry c’mon hurry!!' record breaking (so you know no one really read the shit) expensive as hell proposal creating law writing events…cough…feels a lot like the quick fix head fake war authorization drama that continues to be the fuck up that just keeps on fucking.
Blink once again.
A bitch suggests a multi-hour session of quiet reading time…stat!
I was watching the talking heads this morning, and from what I gathered, some democrats and republicans are saying deja-vu over the no-restrictions-just-give-me-the-check-already attitude the Bush Administration is using to get this money.
They are saying that this is just like the sweeping " security reforms" Bush wanted right after 9/11.
Only this time, instead of just handing the money over, they want some restrictions added like no golden parachutes for the top execs at some of these companies, and some type of oversight for how this money is distributed.
I also remember someone saying Obama wanted them to add some type of relief for homeowners.
I'm just afraid that the Dems will not have the stones to make the main two stipulations stick
Good News (I think)
Bush has agreed to add strong oversight of the money and mortgage help for homeowners in this bill.
I read it on Comcast.com
Whole thing is a really, really bad idea. I mean - really.
It's like the sweeping "reforms" after 911 and the run-up to the Iraq war...
Hope you're over the Ebola thing and now feeling well.
Eight years of Clinton = budget surplus
Eight years of George W. Bush = record deficits, record corruption, and record payouts to crooked or incompetent businesses
Are you better off now than you were eight years ago?
(let's rerun some old campaign ads)
This sounds like soooooo much fun: put more people in charge and legislate they are accountable to NO ONE! Wow--where do I sign up?
Nice blog btw.
If this doesnt work, they're getting ready for the meltdown.
Did you catch the most scandalous part? The Republican puppet masters are trying to make their bailout plan irrevocable by ANY courts or other government bodies:
Once again Deregulation didnt work!
The California Energy crisis, The Savings and Loans, the housing market and now they will either regulate to draconian standards or just place another bandaid on the problem. There is no way to ban greed.
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