On a much lighter note...
Happy birthday Brother Rob Thurman! A bitch shall join you tonight in a celebration of the general fuckeduptitude of all things...oh, and your birth. The first Diet Coke is on me...
Ooooooh, Canada...

To my beloved Canadians…a bitch tossed back two stiff vodka grape crans in your honor last night. Take comfort in the fact that Harper did not win a majority…and in the fact that vodka is plentiful.
And on the topic of politics…
A bitch received an Anonymous comment last night that got my ass thinking. See, Anonymous doesn't give a shit about politics. Yeah, this bitch wondered why Anonymous felt like sharing too...but, whatever. Anonymous doesn't give a shit and seems angry that this bitch does. Also, Anonymous is angry that a bitch is angry...or was that 'confused as to why a bitch is angry'? Jesus to Gawd, it was painfully punctuated. Anyhoo...dear Anonymous lower-case only using with no punctuation comment maker - there has got to be an online poker site missing their best customer right about now.

A bitch doesn’t understand people who have no interest in politics. Who are these people? My ass understands differing political opinions, but having no opinion at all? Nope, a bitch doesn't get that.
Even if...shit, particularly if you are a selfish motherfucker, you should care about politics. Your money is tied up in politics. Sex and greed are tied up in politics. The fact that you can't articulate your thoughts worth a damn...blame some of that on the politics of education. Taxes, groceries, your job, if you have a job, how much you make at that job, your house, whether you get to keep that house when the city plans a new road next month…a bitch could go on and on. But fuck it…you don’t give a shit, right?
Lawd, give me strength.
Politics is all up in your business whether you give a shit or not. A bitch wishes my ass could just throw up my hands and say fuck it. This bitch has a life. Why the hell should my ass wade into the muck when you don’t even care? Fuck it…you get the government you deserve!
Well listen up, you no giving a shit shits. This bitch doesn’t deserve this government and my ass lives here too. A bitch has no intention of living in the America apathetic fucks like you are facilitating the creation of.
Don’t give a shit?
Then go do whatever apathetic no-voting people do.
Go on...
"dear Anonymous lower-case only using with no punctuation comment maker - there has got to be an online poker site missing their best customer right about now."
Hey ABB,
I had a similar issue with a comment this morning. Someone wrote that we should all "just mind our own business" when it comes to abortion, etc. As if 'minding our own business' somehow adjusts government's power over us to a more reasonable one. As if 'minding our own business' makes problems go away. Ugh.
I too don't understand those not interested in politics. It seems to me that while we live in society controlled by governments, we should all worry about the policies those governments place on our individual and social selves. Oye ve!
Anyway, you keep fighting the political fight.
Your brother in the struggle,
Pony Storm is onto something re: blowhards who don't vote. I have a policy: I won't get into a deep political discussion with someone who doesn't vote. Their opinion doesn't really matter, now does it? Vote or shut up.
If you're not politically involved (at the bare minimum, that means voting), you need to shut the fuck up. In my humble opinion, anyway.
Politics and politicians are, indeed, up your ass whether you vote or not -- isn't it better to voice SOME opinion??
Sista- I am sure you already know- "those who stand for nothing will fall for anything...."
Great blog! Wish I had thought of it first, I am less angry now though (as a new mom) and more motivated...
When you have time, check out my lame creation:
I am planning on starting another blog around critical race theory soon too...
I am often secretly happy when somebody I consider woefully uninformed tells me they don't vote. It's the folks who are too apathetic to pay attention to pollitics and then go vote anyway that worry me the most. The people who tell you why they're voting for Candidate X or Proposition Y and while they're speaking you realize they're repeating text verbatim from a campaign commercial.
One of my very favorite quotes:
"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." —Theodore Roosevelt, 1912
I believe that of anyone who doesn't get involved in the politics of this nation. To not care is not only to allow others to dictate your own life but may also assist in those same folks dictating mine and I won't stand for that crap.
Keep preaching it, ABB. Many are listening.
Thank god for vodka... One friend noted a few days ago that "Canadians don't elect Conservatives, they toss out Liberals."
I think this minority government will give Harper and his right-wing nuts an opportunity to flounder, but more importantly, it'll give the Liberals a chance to regroup and rebuild.
Thanks for sending positive vibes northward... definitely Smartie-Worthy :)
Take care,
I think that some people have the feeling that if no one voted the system will go away. Morons.
Right on, ABB, I feel you.
Oh lord, thanks for that laugh! I needed it!
I can't imagine not caring about our goverment. Of course I was more excited about getting to vote than I was about getting to legally drink. (I was a bit of nerd that way) I agree with Flamingbanjo, I am content to let the uniformed keep their vote at home. But, I don't understand their complacency.
How can you not care? It's a slap in the face to the people who've fought for our right to participate in our government. From the founding fathers, the suffragetes to the civil rights marchers.
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