A bitch is beyond alarmed with some of the news my ass has read regarding a political shift to the right in Canada.
My Canadian brothers and sisters, you go to the polls January 23rd and now is no time to act crazy! Conservatives in the national lead? Have you lost your motherfucking minds?
Look down...
Yeah, southward to America...
Does this look like happiness, prosperity and fucking joy?
Lawd, give me strength!
Canada and Sweden are a bitch's flee to countries should America go too far to shit. Fuck it, a bitch has to have an exit plan. That doesn’t mean my ass isn't committed, but it helps cut down on the daily anxiety.
Canada is obviously closer...and is lousy with Smarties...so a bitch is pissed off to find that Canada is exploring the possibility of shifting to the right politically!
ABB's Sincere Response...
No!! No! For the love of all that is sacred and holy. NOOOOOOOO! Chil'ren, you have the benefit of learning from our mistakes...and past mistakes...and same stupid mistakes that we should have learned from our damned selves! Lawd! Be reasonable...you don't want to be accused of copying something American, right? Well going neo-con is so last year! Been done, hon! And it’s a HUGE motherfucking mess to try to clean up…think elephant diarrhea. Mmmhmmm…nasty. Seriously, living in a conservative country at war with its own founding ideals sucks...big time!
ABB's Totally Selfish Response...
Oh no you didn't! A bitch is in the midst of planning a trip north and y'all decide to loose your fucking minds now? Oh, hell no! You must stay liberal...super liberal...so liberal they have your national flag next to the word 'liberal' in the dictionary...and not just until my ass gets done touring and debauchering. No, a bitch must have a go-to and flee country and you are it...until they drop the airfares to Sweden. Pull your ass together and cease playing!
Oh my Gawd. A bitch is going to cry...
You are one dumb nigger bitch.
Holy Shit! I can't believe that anonymous guy.
Isn't it funny that people who use anger, racism and hate speech feel the need to 'hide'? I mean, if you are going to speak in such a hateful way, USE YOUR REAL NAME.
Anyway, ABB I am completely freaked out by Canada right now. I mean, closing there borders to fleeing soldiers was there 1st offense. Now conservative take-over?
Looks like Chavez's Venezuela WILL INDEED be my new home! Especially if people like anonymous up there continue to exist and procreate in this country! eeeek!
In peaceful struggle!
I am still amazed that people are still amazed that people such as anonymous are alive and well and spreading their nonsense across the planet. I hear racist comments daily, and not just limited to any one race. People casually drop phrases such as "I jewed him down" and "dot head" and the "n" word and I am always appalled, but never shocked. There's a lot of ignorance out there.
My $50 is right behind yours. Fuck that ignorant motherfucking shit.
I bet you $50 that Anonymous' is one of the following:
1. televangelist
2. aussie radio personality
3. dean @ major university
Ah, hiding like a coward under a sheet and a hood...
Uh huh - I see anonymous doesn't have the balls to say what he/she/it has to say without hiding. Spineless bastard/bitch! If you had any brains at all you'd know that this is one very smart bitch you are talking about. Atch! I've no time for the likes of you.
Wow... I can't believe it took this long for some ignorant, attention loving fool to post that kind of comment. These barbaric mother@#$ers do this for one of two reasons: Either they really are bigots or they like to cause a dust up. Either way, it's a sad, sad means of expression. To paraphrase Einstein, why bother keeping that frontal lobe, fool, when for you, the brain stem would suffice? There are plenty of words in the English language that could be used to desicribe AngryBlackBitch. Let's start with the A's, shall we? Awesome, Analytical, Angry (of course), Aware, Alert, Attentive... I could go on. Whatever, cowardly asshat.
and another thing. i have a friend that calls herself a beautiful black bitch. she says it stands for
As other have said, Canada's version of "right-wing" would be considered moderate to "left" in the US. Really. It won't get as extreme--we can keep a tighter leash on them.
Heh. Oh, and Larry Campbell, on whom the character of Dominic DaVinci was based, is in the Canadian senate. Should be fun.
re that wonderful anonymous comment: typical, but here's a twist - in Canada we get 'we're not racist against Black people' (WTF??)
re Canadian election - what I am banking on is a minority government led by the Conservatives - so the rest of them can keep a rein on the rightwing BS. The Liberals were caught with their hands in the cookie jar and they're getting booted in the fine old Canadian way: when you're pissed at the current one, trade them for the other. At least the discussion about the Conservatives 'hidden agenda' is so wide that even their leader has tried to assure people he won't be able to do too much damage because the Senate and civil service are full of Liberal appointees (again, WTF?)
The real difference this last couple of years is that the NDP - often bedevilled by the spectre of 'spends too much' though they've never actually held power - has seen a serious revival, and in fact held the balance of power in the last minority gov't. That meant they could coerce the gov't into putting in key provisions in the budget like a national childcare program, etc and it wasn't a big deal because we have billions in surplus now - the $$ is there, yes, our lousy little liberal country has billions in surplus - we just need the political guts to go there.
So I am hoping that works out again - though this time, just keeping the Tories from dismantling anything.
The fact is, there are 4 parties in Canada - the Bloc Quebecois are a Quebec-only party but since Q. has a huge % of the seats, they're a real entity - and they're leftist, something people rarely mention because they're pissed at them wanting their own country. My point is, there's more than one party looking out for civil rights... and the Bloc really, really hates the Tories.
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